Dinner, maybe?

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Chapter 4
Abigail and I were befuddled. Daniel was kidnapped, then murdered? Yes it sounds like a normal case, but, why leave his lifeless body at his house? In the open! Seriously? He lived in a big neighborhood! This guy, he has guts. "Why? It just doesn't add up? Why'd the Unsub kidnap Daniel, then bring his lifeless body back here?" Abigail asked me. "Well, maybe he was warning everyone in the neighborhood. He might be trying to tell them that they're next." I answer. She looks up at me and smiles. I feel my heart skip a beat. She really is pretty, regardless the whole "I'm the chick who scares the shit out of you in your nightmares" title I've given her. I break from my thoughts and I hear a rumbling noise. Abigail and I look down at her. She's hungry. Well, we haven't eaten in 5 hours and 32 minutes. I guess she should be hungry. "Sorry, I guess I'm kinda hungry." She laughs. "Do you want to take a break and go get Chinese food?" I ask. "Um, sure. Why not?" We walk out of Daniel's house and Abigail stops suddenly. "Abigail? Abby, what's wrong?" "Spencer, I don't think Daniel is the only one this guy took. Daniel had kids, didn't he?" Oh god. She's right. There was a mentioning of kids back at the BAU. Abigail looks like she going to fall apart. "Abby, they'll be okay. We'll find them. I promise." Wow, she real likes kids. I hear her crying and I go and hug her. It feels quite nice to hug her. I step away and she seems to have calmed down. "So, Chinese food, right?" She says. "Oh, right! Let's go! I'm starving!" We get in the car and drive to get food. We go to the park to eat. We finish and we still got 36 minutes until we go back to investigate. We walk around the park for a while. The wind is blowing the hair in Abigail's face. Not in a crazy, bunched up in knots style. More like the universe is teasing me. She looks absolutely stunning. I'm crazy. I've got it in my head that I love her, but 7 hours ago she scared me to death. What does this say about me? We're only friends. Maybe we're only co-workers. I don't know how she feels. "Spencer? What are you thinking about?" Abigail asks me. I look at her and her smile takes my breath away. Stop it Spencer! Get it together! "Oh, um, nothing really." "C'mon, I know you enough to see through a lie. What are you thinking about?" "Um..um, the case?" Wow. I'm bad at keeping this inside me, aren't I? "Okay..I'll accept that. What do you want to do for the next 32 minutes?" She asks. "We could..." I was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. Abigail looks at me and pulls out her gun. I do the same and we run in the direction of the sound. We hide behind a bush. She looks over and I do as well. There's a man with a elderly woman locked in his arms. He had the gun pressed to her head. "Spencer, I'm going for it!" "No, are you crazy? Unless you have a death wish I'm not letting you go out there!" "Well, what the hell are we going to do?" "We're calling everyone and they'll help us." I pull out my phone and I dial Hotch's number. "Reid? What's wrong?" He asks. "There's a shooting at Quantico park. Abigail and I are there at the moment." "Really? Alright, don't move. I'll send Morgan and Rossi down there to help." He hangs up and I look over to find Abigail gone. Fuck! She went without me. I look over the bush and she's in front of the gunman. I walk out and stand in front of Abigail. I aim my gun at him and Abigail does the same. "Sir, whatever you do, don't shoot her. You have no reason to be here shooting people." Abigail tells him. I can't see his face. It's covered by a jacket hood. "I REFUSE TO LISTEN TO YOU! I HAVE TO MAKE THEM PAY!" He yells. "Let her go or we shoot." "NEVER! THEY WILL ALL PAY! EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD WILL PAY!" "Sir, remove your hood from your head. Now!" I say. I follows my orders and he reveals his face. He's a deformed man. Half his face is burned, the other half has cuts all over it. "Show some compassion! She doesn't deserve this." "THE WORLD HAS SHOWN NO COMPASSION TO ME!" We hear a gun shot, but it wasn't his. It was Derek's. Oh thank god this is over! A ambulance comes an takes the man away. Hotch is talking to the police and Abigail and I are doing absolutely nothing. "Why'd you move Abigail? You could have gotten hurt." I ask with a pained face. I could have lost her before I really knew her. "Spencer, I wasn't thinking right..I..I just wanted to help." She spits about before sitting on a bench, her head in her hands. Great Spencer. You made her cry. "Abby, don't cry. It's okay." She rests her head on my shoulder and she relaxes a little. "Don't be upset." "I'm sorry Spencer. I really messed up." " You didn't mess up. You were actually pretty selfless. That's a good thing." "Really, you think I was being selfless?" She looks at me. Her mascara is running down her face. She still looks beautiful. "Yeah, you were very selfless. That's a good quality to have." She laughs and that makes me smile. Maybe we'll be fine. We can do this together.

HI MY LOVELIES!! Next chapters here! This one was pretty exciting! So, contest is still up for my other story, Magic and I need you guys to do something! Anyway, enjoy life and have fun! Until next time! -Nick Nick 💜🐙🍆🐳

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