Chapter 1: Fist of Justice

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"Ha! Is that all you got?" my chest constricted painfully and my knuckles were so red you could see the blood ready to burst through skin. It had started like any other day, boring homeroom and equally unexciting classes. Discreet glances and muttering girls with impractical and ugly clothes and any normal occasional disruption like a few freshmen setting toilet paper on fire. Yep, it was a pretty uneventful teen life charged with unruly tension and tasteless drama. Of course today out of all other days had to be different. Shrugging off the pain I stumbled to my feet raising my fists to my head as I partially leaned against the wall of the alley, my ribs protesting my efforts.

The two girls smirked and falsetto words of Visco valley font size crawled out of their botox glitter slimed mouths, adding 'like' and 'huh' making a simple sentence a paragraph.

The ugly blondie one spoke first with a flip of her hair. "We uh don't like you, like at all so-"

The tall brunette one interjected in an attempt to be meaner, "We gonna have Jimmy beat you until your like, suppperrr dead"

I shook my head, amused. Not much for proper articulation I see.

The blondie one seeing my reaction indignantly stuck out her cherry red fish lips and raised her foundation caked nose with a 'humppf".

In her snobby gesture I got a knocking whiff of her cheap perfume and nearly threw up.


"JIMMYYY!!" shrieked the brunette one with enough bangles to form a chain long enough to circle the school twice over.

Jimmy, the short nerdy wreck skulked over, looking like a defeated animal.

I kinda pity him-.

At Fish Lips command he took a fighting stance and adjusted his brass knuckles.


Jimmy's defeated gaze wandered over me and I could see in his eyes he didn't want to continue. He whispered a silent sorry before hesitantly stepping forward as the two ogres cheered. Bracing myself for the assault I frantically scrambled around trying to find anything I could use as a weapon. Spotting a bent metal pipe discarded in a recycling bin I picked the rod up and winced against the cold feel of it, testing the weight and balance in my hand.

This'll do

Jimmy looked scared as I turned my sights on him, better you than me. Sorry buddy, I've had enough of this.

"What are you waiting for? Get her!" Bangles yelped and the first hints of fear lighted in her eyes as I smiled, adjusting my grip on the pipe slightly raising it. I no doubt look hideous with my split lip.

Fish lips, growing impatient yelled, "arghh! Why do I have to do everything myself?!"and stalking over to jimmy grabbed the brass knuckles at the same time he wet his pants.


I glanced down subconsciously at my torn jeans, caked with splatters of my own blood, does it look like I peed myself?

An outraged cry came from Fish lips as she charged me, knuckles raised.

I simply smirked, "let's dance Diablo"


With all the grace of a drugged elephant and the viciousness of a Tasmanian devil she swung wildly In her eagerness to hit me and missed me by a mile.

I calmed my excited adrenaline rush and easily weaved around her, dodging her attacks. What a mad woman.

Seeing me in no trouble at all she growled in annoyance before punching again with wild abandon and with all the fervor of an angry toddler.

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