Twenty Four.

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"What is that look?"

"What look?"

"You are frowning while looking at him, which is completely different from how usually you look at him."

"And how do I 'usually' look at him?"

"As if you are lovestruck with hearts shooting out from your eyes." Changbin said, earning an eye roll from Aria.

The two friends were doing their usual work behind the counter while Seungmin was at his table, drinking his bubble tea and revising the report that has to be handed the following day. Changbin moved to the coffee machine, still having his eyes on his friend's face.

"Seriously, what is it?" He asked.

"Nothing." She said then she huffed. Aria turned around and rested her back on the counter to face her friend. "I'm curious about something."

"Shoot." He said once he pressed the button to let the coffee drip down the cup.

"If you get a tattoo, what would it be? And where would you get it?"

"Ummm, there's a line from a song that I've always wanted to get it tattooed." He said with a dirty smirk on his face, making Aria regret her question. "'Touch me, tease me, feel me up.'" He resumed not caring about how disgusted Aria's face was or how she faked a gag at him. "For the spot, it would be one of two. Either across my buffed chest or down my crotch towards the V line to th-"

"Pervert." Aria cut his words and then turned back to the counter. Quickly, she replaced her disgusted face with a smiling one at the customer that walked in her direction.

Once the customer was done with his order, he walked to the only empty table at the center of the café. It was rush hour and they were hell busy. That's why she wasn't sitting with Seungmin.

"Is it because of his tattoos?" Changbin asked from behind Aria in a low voice. Aria's eyes widened and she faced him.

"You saw them too?" She questioned.

"Only one of them. It was across his nape."

"Wait, what? He has a tattoo across his nape? I never saw that!"

"They are not permanent, Aria."

"They are not?"

"Yes. It's a temporary ink that lasts for a day or two."

"How did you know?"

"I asked him when I noticed a big fat 'MOTHERFUCKER' on his nape."

Aria's eyes widened even more. She looked from Changbin to Seungmin who was sitting peacefully by the window. The moment she looked at him, he lifted his head up to look back at her as if he sensed her eyes on him. Once their eyes met, he let his wide, innocent, enchanting, captivating smile decorates his face. That made Aria more confused. Was he bipolar?

Why would he have this word as a tattoo even if it was temporary? Why would he write the word 'Freak' down his ankle? Why would he use those temporary inks instead of having a permanent tattoo?

This time, Aria was the suspicious one. This time, she found his actions super weird to her. Whenever she thinks she was closer to knowing him well and understanding his personality, she finds herself facing another enigma. This time, she couldn't deny it.

This time, she caught herself thinking out loud but only loud enough to be heard by her.

"Who are you?" She questioned

WORDS. |Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now