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This chapter includes mentioning of bullying, suic*ide and harsh words. If you're not comfortable with such topics, please don't proceed. 


Seungmin walked up the corridor as if nothing happened.

As if he didn't do something that mean.

As if a precious life wasn't risked.

He didn't care about the eyes that were following him. There were always eyes following him. Sometimes in admiration, others in fear. That was the effect of the group he was in. The typical popular group from high school. The bully one.

That famous group was untouchable since they all were rich kids who would always pay money to get out of trouble, including Seungmin. Seungmin himself wasn't a bully. He was way more dangerous. He was a sweet venom. The sweetest ever. He was the hunter of the group.

His calm, handsome, kind facial features always made his task easier. His soothing, melodic, lullaby-like voice was always enchanting. And his words. His honey mixed words were always welcoming and appealing to the new prey.

Seungmin was a hunter.

He would hunt the new prey to his bully group of friends and then let them do whatever they want while watching. His amusement would reach its climax when the prey finds out his true self and that he was nothing better than those bullies. He would enjoy the shocked faces of those people while he chuckles in triumph. But once his friends start having their fun, he would get bored and set off for a new hunt.

He never felt that he was doing something wrong. He always convinced himself that he wasn't a bad guy. He never bullied anyone. He kept telling himself that he did nothing. It's not his fault that he's that handsome. It's not his fault that people want to befriend him. It's not his fault that he -as a whole- was appealing to every single person in that school, his mates, females and males, his teachers, his principles, and even the school guards.

Those people all knew who he was and with whom he was spending his time, yet, they would follow him to the trap. He never forced anyone to follow him. He never asked them to do so either. They did that with their own will. So, it's not his fault.

It's theirs.

In his eyes, it was always their fault.

Seungmin lifted his head up in cockiness as usual as he made his way to his locker. He stood there, opened the locker, and started pulling his books for the lessons that he definitely wouldn't be attending.

"Murderer." A trembling voice said from his right.

Seungmin turned to see a familiar face. He was sure that the face belonged to one of his victims but couldn't point out which one or from which grade. He looked at the shorter thin boy with a frown. The boy was weak with pale skin and dark circles around his eyes. He was shaking a little as if he was scared. His lips were trembling and his eyes were blinking nervously.

"Excuse me!" Seungmin turned to face him after he dropped his bag to the ground. "What did you just call me?"

"M-Murderer!" The boy yelled in his shaky voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you are calling a murderer?" Seungmin yelled, slamming his locker close which made the students walking up and down the corridors stop to watch.

"You!" The boy yelled again, now gaining some courage. "You almost killed him! You and your fucker group of friends. You bullied him till he was done. Till he was done with life. You sucked his life up." The boy marched towards Seungmin.

"Me?" Seungmin scoffed then tucked his hands into his uniform's pants pockets. "I've never done anything like that. I've never laid a finger on him. I've never said one single word to him that might hurt him."

"You are the worst of them! You led him to that hell. You pretended to be his friend. You pretended to be the good one out of them. You led him to his own grave."

"He was the one who asked to join us!" Seungmin yelled, pushing the boy's shoulder. "He begged to join us and to hang out with us. I just gave him what he wanted. All he did were his own choices. All he did was his fucking own will. No one told him to follow me like a lost puppy! No one told him to stick to me."

"But you didn't warn him of what they really are! You didn't stop him or tell him that they would screw his life! You kept watching from far. You watched them call him hurtful words and bully him as you always do. As you did with me two years ago." The boy was still yelling but by then his tears were starting to roll down his cheeks.

"So? Did they lie?" Seungmin said, stepping closer to him. "Did they lie? What hurtful words did they call him? Fat? Well, he was overweight for sure." Seungmin scoffed stepping forward, making the boy retreat in fear. "Ugly? He was the one who started calling himself ugly in front of us. A weak? Look where he is now. Loser? He lost every.. single .. game .. we played." He was still advancing till the boy's back hit the lockers behind him.

"Y-You'll regret-t that! You'll regret not even saying the truth when you were asked about what happened to him. You'll get punished. One day, you'll get punished. All of you."

Seungmin scoffed again. He was getting bored with that conversation. It was a waste of time. He did nothing wrong. In his eyes, he did nothing wrong. "Yeah, sure." Seungmin said then started walking away.

"You'll regret your own words, Kim Seungmin!" The boy yelled from behind at the top of his lungs.

"And you'll not be there to watch me regretting," Seungmin yelled as he turned to face the boy again. "You know why? Cause you are just the same as your friend. AN UGLY FUCKING LOSER!"

Silence filled the air in the hallway. It was the first time for any of the students to see Seungmin in his true color. It was the first time for anyone to hear something that mean coming out of his lips. It was the first time for his face to be seen holding such an angry scary expression.

A loud gasp cut that scary silence. That gasp was soon followed by others. People started retreating. The boy who was still cornered to the lockers opened his eyes widely in disbelief.

And then there was a confused Seungmin in the middle, unaware of the words 'UGLY FUCKING LOSER' written across his face.

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