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At the base the girls play on their day off, Enterprise and Belfast also take a walk to relax the tension of the war, Enterprise is a little surprised by the increase in shops now.

Akashi: Don't miss out on my store's deals! We open today there are many offers!

In that Enterprise sees a store that is the largest of all, that is Akashi's store.

Enterprise: And how could she build a store as big as that?

Belfast: No idea, but I guess a wizard did it.

Enterprise: What do you say?

Belfast: It is a method to cover plot holes in the story.

Enterprise: I understand.

In another place Amazon sells books to improve the Kansen Skills there are some kansen that are very hesitant to buy since reading all that is a headache.

Amazon: Come here and study once for a change!

London: (Finds a book she likes) There you are! I buy!

Enterprise: There are more stores than before.

Belfast: It is a very lively place.

Enterprise: It feels like a city and not like a military base.

Belfast: It's just that not everything is seriousness and discipline, from time to time it's good to relax from the strict work we have.

Enterprise: That's something I don't understand or well, it's something I used to understand, but now I don't.

Belfast: What you really need is elegance in your heart.

Enterprise: What are you saying? I do not understand anything. Are you implying that you are going to turn me into a maid?

Belfast: Ara, do you want to join our Royal Maid corps? If you want I can make you a professional Maid who can work in any home.

Enterprise: (blushing) Uh, that...wasn't what I was trying to say.

Belfast: (Giggles) Just kidding, maid or not, starting something new is good for you, having a hobby or a job other than fighting.

Enterprise: (Hesitating) I guess that wouldn't be easy for me.

Belfast: In that case it will be a difficult challenge for you, you will realize that the more difficult the path, the more fun it will be to cross it.

Enterprise: I guess you have a point.

Belfast: Please think carefully about what you want to do, that's why we have human bodies.

Enterprise thinks about what Belfast has told her.

Elsewhere Javelin is on her ship cleaning up, she had called Laffey to help her.

Javelin: (Sad) Haaa, no point.

At that Laffey finishes his part of cleaning and she sees that Javelin is distracted looking into the distance.

Javelin: I want to be her friend...

In that Javelin has a flashback of the times she has seen Ayanami.

Javelin: (becomes motivated) But... I don't want to regret anything!

In that Javelin was wet by Laffey using a hose.

Javelin: Laffey! Because you did!?

Laffey: Javelin don't slack off.

At that Javelin just smiles and she runs to get another hose and starts shooting, but unlike Bullet, water was used as projectiles here.


At night Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn have a sleepover, they talk about what happened during these last events.

Unicorn: Ayanami? Is she that girl we met on the ridge?

Javelin: Yes. I know we're enemies, so this may be wrong to say, but I don't want to give her up, I want to be her friend.

Unicorn: Okay, I don't want to fight another kansen so I support you.

Laffey: We haven't started anything, it's time to start.

Then the girls have a more relaxed conversation.

Elsewhere at midnight, Enterprise has a dream where she relives a memory of when she last spoke with Yorktown.

In that Enterprise wakes up, since for a strange reason she can't sleep today, she gets dressed and begins to take a night walk, then she arrives at the beach and she stares at the moon that is shown in the sky.

Belfast: Can't sleep?

In that Enterprise realizes that Belfast is behind her.

Enterprise: (Joking) I felt the sea calling me.

Belfast: ¿Hmm?

Enterprise: It's a bad joke.

Belfast: It's unusual for you to talk that way.

Enterprise: I'm just gloomy.

In that Belfast offers a cup to Enterprise and she accepts.

Belfast: (serving the drink to Enterprise) You have to keep your body warm.

Enterprise: Coffee at this hour?

At that Belfast shakes a bottle and Enterprise sees, it's alcohol mixed with coffee.

Enterprise: (Smiles) You are a very naughty girl.

Enterprise and Belfast start drinking.

Belfast: All is quiet.

Enterprise: Yes, only the sound of the Sea is heard.


In the Sakura Kaga empire is in her room while she drinks sake, she is thoughtful while looking at the hair ornament her sister bought her.

Eugen: Ara, that's to Akagi's liking, right?

Eugen enters Kaga's room without permission, which upsets Kaga.

Kaga: You are not welcome.

Eugene: why not? Let's have a few drinks together.

Kaga: No thanks, you'd ruin the taste of the sake.

Eugen: Are you always this unfriendly? They took the mind cube, aren't you worried? What are they up to?

Kaga: That's none of your business.

In that Eugen sits next to Kaga and she begins to whisper in Kaga's ear.

Eugen: Are you sure that you and she are looking for the same thing?

In that Kaga gets angry and pushes Eugen.

Kaga: I've had enough of your antics!

Eugen: Be careful, one-sided love can hurt you in different ways.

In that Eugen stops and walks towards the door.

Eugen: Guten Nach, sleep well.

Eugen leaves the room leaving Kaga very furious at what happened.

On the rooftops, Akagi looks out to sea while having a wistful expression.

Akagi: See you soon... Amagi-nesama.

TO BE CONTINUE...................................

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