Chapter 6: Don't Mess With Me

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"No, Taera, you have to carry the three so that you can input it into the formula for linear speed," I thought in my head.

"Hey," I heard someone shout.

*turns around*

Oh shit, it's those girls again. 

"Hey, your name is Taera, right," that Jennie girl said to me.

"Y~Yeah, what do you want," I asked.

"Listen, I'm just here to say sorry that I broke your inhaler. I was having a bad day," she said.

"Yeah, Rosé and I are sorry as well," Lisa said.

"Uhh, okay," I mumbled.

"Friends," Jennie was going in for a handshake.

I was nervous about it, but ultimately, I agreed and shook hands with Jennie.

"Friends," I said.

"Good," then a grin appeared on her face.

Jennie's hands were turning cold, too cold.

"Ahh, okay, let go of my hand," I said.

But that made Jennie squeeze her hand even more.

"OWWW!!" I yelled and finally let go.

"Little bitch, you really thought we were going to be your friend," Jennie looked down on me.

My hand was red, with the frostbite visible.

"Hey Jennie, look what I found," Rosé said.

"Oh, what do you have here, your lunch," Jennie grabbed my lunch.

"No, please, don't do anything," I begged.

"Pudding, nice, it's even the extra creamy one," Lisa said.

"It would be a shame if~

Then I felt it, the pudding dripping from my hair. Everyone around me was laughing at me.

"Awww, look, she looks so cute," Lisa teased me.

Jennie took out her phone and began taking pictures.

"This will go nice on my IG," Jennie said.

I thought the incident with the inhaler was bad enough. Crying, I grabbed my things and hurried back to my dorm.

*slams the door*

"Woah, Taera, what happened," my roommate said.

Moving past her, I rushed to the bathroom. There I was, crying, sitting on the floor against the door.

ROOMMATE WITH A DEVIL: JUNIORS // VsooWhere stories live. Discover now