Chapter 13: Holiday With Mom Pt. 1

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"Taera, you ready," I said.

"Hold up, let me use the bathroom real quick," Taera went to the bathroom.

"Oh my god, okay, use the bathroom then," I said.

I've gotten to go home for the holidays once in my school life. I'm not saying that being at school in the dorms for the holidays is also terrible. I mean, freshmen year was when I fell in love with my enemy. And my sophomore year was with Jimin. We played video games and watched TV for hours on end. 

"Hey, when are you coming back," Taehyun asked.

"I might come back three days before the school year starts. Why you going to miss me," I teased him.

"Well yeah, I mean, I feel like it's going to be lonely," Taehyung said.

"Why don't you have the Jessica girl to keep you company," I replied.

"She's going on a family vacation to Cancun," Taehyun said.

"Well then, I would suggest that you try to walk around the city. It's the holidays, and I'm assuming the place will be filled with festivities," I said.

"Okay, I'll try that," Taehyun said.

*Taera exits the bathroom*

"Finally, what took you so long," I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for taking so long, idiot. Chill, I was only in there for 5 minutes," Taera said. 

"You have your bag," I said.

"Yep, let's go."

After saying goodbye to Taehyun, we left the dorm room and headed to my car. We then drove back to mom's house. 

"Hey Taera," I said.

"Yeah," she said.

"Why do you think she wants us to come back home for the holidays," I asked.

"I don't know, but it's mom, so it better be good," Taera said.

"How was it like."

"What, what do you mean by that," Taera said. 

"How was it like, Christmas without mom," I said.

"Oh u~um, it was alright," Taera said.

"You don't have to lie to me, sis," I said. "I feel bad for leaving you alone two years a row for the holidays."

I noticed that Taera looked down at her lap, playing with her fingers, as she looked out the window.

"If you really want to know how I felt, I was bummed out. It was already bad enough that Mom got to go out with her friends during the holidays, but that was when I spent Christmas with you, and I was okay with that. You know, I was really upset. Did you even try to visit me during your first and second year at the school," Taera asked?

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

The car ride was silent for the next minutes. Concentrated on the road, we finally pull up to the house.

"Okay, here we are," I said.

"Let me knock," Taera left the vehicle. 

As Taera carried her bag up the steps, I brought mine and followed her. 

*enters house*

"Hi, Taehyung," I saw my mom.

"Hey, mom," I mumbled.

"You guys look exhausted," my mom said. "Listen, I made your beds. You two should take a shower. I'm going to make dinner."

I gave Taera a look, a weird one. Mom hasn't been this happy or at least attentive to their children since dad died. 

"Should we ask her," I whispered to Taera.

"Naw, look, mom looks genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. Maybe ask her private," Taera said and went upstairs. 

Following Taera upstairs, I went to my room to unpack my things. One thing is for sure, as much as the dorm beds are comfy, I like my bed a lot better. Anyway, I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and headed to the bathroom to shower. 

*after shower*

After taking a shower, I put on some clean clothes and headed downstairs, where my mom was finishing up dinner. 

"Oh, Taehyung, you're here. Can you help me set up the table," my mom handed me the plates. 

As I set the plates on the dining table, I gave my mom a look, which she noticed.

"Honey is something wrong," she said.

"Where's Taera," I asked.

"Oh, she's still getting ready. She'll be down soon," my mom replied. 

"Hey, mom, can I ask you something," I said.

"What is it," she said.

"Why is it now that you want your children to be with you for the holidays," I asked.

My mom stopped and looked away from me for a bit.

"Does each plate have utensils," she avoided the question.

"Mom, answer my question," I said.

"Taehyung, sweetie, not now; dinner is ready," my mom said.

"Screw dinner. Why is it now that you want to spend time with us? Why didn't you spend it with your friends this year," I raised my voice?

"Taehyung not now~

*walks away and puts on coat*

"Taehyung, where are you going," my mom asked.

"I'm going for a walk," I said as I put on my shoes.

"When will you come~

*slams door*


Walking down the steps, I walked over to the lake nearby our house. It was frozen at this point, and you could go ice skating on this. Looking at the frozen lake, I heard footsteps on crunching leaves.

*turns around*


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