An interesting interview.

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Quick description of what you look like.

Your around 5'11 to 6 feet tall.

You are wearing a cloak with stitches all over it,a gauntlet with needles thats filled to the brim with fear toxin. On your chest is a black v neck shirt with fear toxin filled tubes thats connected to the gauntlet. Your wearing a pair of black sweat pants as well.

Anyways onto the story.

You opened the door to the I.M.P office,you look around to see grey hellhound sitting at a receptionists desk. She's scrolling though her phone minding her own business,in the next room over you see two red imps,one female and one male. The male had grey hair and looked relatively short. The female had black hair and had a southern ranch look to her. You're investigation of the area was cut short due to the hellhound talking to you.

???:If you got an appointment with Blitz he's in his office. If you don't get the fuck out and don't come back.

You aproach the hellhound,her eyes are still glued to her phone.

Y/N:I imagine your the receptionist here.

???:And what of it? As I said if you have an appointment then Blitz's office is in the next room to the right. If you don't then get the fuck out.

The hellhound looked up from her phone to take a look at you,she seen the gauntlet you had on and spoke in a more demanding tone.

???:You can't have weapons during the interview,you either take it off and leave it here or get out.

Y/N:This shit isn't something to be messed with. One small injection with this stuff and even the toughest demon in hell will be on the ground begging for mercy.

You say this as your taking off the gauntlet and tube vest you have on. Once you have it off you put it on the table and look at the hellhound.

Y/N:If you don't belive me then by all means take an injection and see how it is. But I won't be liable for what happens. Even if its accidental.

The hellhound snarls at you and tells you to fuck off. You lower your hood and go straight to where the hellhound told you to go to see this Blitz. You knock in the door to presumably hear his voice.

Blitz:Yeah come in!

You open the door to see a dim lighted room,the walls are filled with horse like posters and Blitz's desk was filled to the brim with horse figures and papers.

Blitz:You must be Y/N,please have a seat. I hope loonie didn't give you any trouble.

Y/N:Thank you,she's didn't give me a tough time. She only told me to fuck off a few times.

You say this whal taking a seat.

Blitz:Yeah that sounds like Loona alright. Anyways,let's start with the interview. Shall we.

You nodded your head and Blitz started to ask questions and look through your resume.

Blitz:So it says here that your the inventor of a so called fear toxin. What is this fear toxin?

Y/N:A fear toxin is well,a toxin that brings out anyone's greatest and darkest fears. Even if they inhale a little bit of the stuff they can be put under a twelve hour fear ride.

Blitz:Interesting,do you have any on you?

Y/N:Your receptionist forced me to take off my gauntlet that held the toxin.

Blitz only shook his head in disappointment.

Blitz:God fucking damn it Loona. Well if you can show me on how powerful this stuff is then you got yourself a job. We could use someone like you in our line of work.

Y/N:Is that all I have to do to get this position? You seem to be pretty scarce on the questions.

Blitz:Eh,who gives a fuck. Besides you look like a tough dude. You'll survive in this line of work. Unlike Moxxie.

Y/N:And Moxxie is who?

Blitz:He's one of the other imps that works here. He's more of a weapons major here than anything. His wife Millie is our assassin here.

Y/N:I see. Loona,Moxxie,Millie and you. Those names are pretty easy to understand.

Blitz:I never asked for your name. Its not on the resume which I find to be weird.

Y/N:I'm Y/N L/N. You can call me N/N or by my name.

Blitz:Your very straight to the point. I like that.

As the interview went on for what felt like hour's you and Blitz herd a scream coming from outside.

Blitz:That was Loona. Come on let's see what she's screaming about now.

Y/N:Wait,something feels off. That scream was more fearful than anything.

In your mind you were saying to yourself that she must have taken a small injection of the toxin. Even still she might be in that fear trance for what will feel like days.

When you and Blitz got out of his office,you both could see Loona in a corner,her hands are on her head and tears are streaming down her face. Millie and Moxxie are trying to calm her down. You went over to your gauntlet to see one of the syringes empty of the fear toxin. You then look over to Moxxie and Millie and speak to them in a commanding tone.

Y/N:Get away from her,she's in a trance that's makes her see us as her deepest fear. Ill need to give her a drug that'll knock her out. Allowing the toxin to run its course.

Moxxie:And who the hell are you?

Y/N:I'm Y/N,now get back.

You pulled a small syringe filled with a grey liquid. Blitz spoke to you.

Blitz:Is there any other way to do this?

Y/N:Its either she's knocked out and let the toxin run its course or we keep her conscious and make her suffer. Its your choice.

Blitz only nodded his head and allowed you to do your thing. You slowly approached Loona. To her you looked like a menacing scarecrow with a syth. You managed to inject her with the liquid and she went out cold in a matter of seconds.

Y/N:Who's the caretaker of Loona?

Blitz spoke up.

Blitz:I am.

Y/N:Take her home and put her to bed. She'll be out for about 11 to 12 hours. I'll need to come with you to make sure everything runs smoothly and take notes on what happend.

Blitz didn't have any objections and said that the day will be cut off early. You grabbed your gauntlet and tube vest and straped it onto your body. You helped Blitz carry Loona's body to his van in which he set a course to his home. You then helped him carry Loona to her room and set her to bed.

Blitz:So thats what the fear toxin dose.....

Y/N:Its powerful stuff if you have enough in your system. Ill keep an eye on her,if anything happens I'll be sure to let you know.

Blitz:Thank you Y/N.

Blitz reached his hand out to shake yours. You accepted and he said.

Blitz:Welcome to I.M.P

You thanked Blitz and he left the room. You took out your notebook and started to write a journel entry on Loona. In the mist of writing you thought to yourself. What a weird interview.

A hellhound's fear. (Loona X Male Reader) (OLD VARIATION)Where stories live. Discover now