New faces

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You woke up in Loona's room yet again,you sat up and as per usual,Loona's arms were wrapped around your waist. She was still in a deep sleep,her slight snore was the only thing you could hear at the moment. You slithered your way out of her arms and got out of bed. You opend the door,rubbing your eyes and walking towards the kitchen. In your sleepy trance you didn't notice that Blitz was there. For once. You started the coffee pot and sat down on one of the chairs at a dining table,you were scrolling through your phone till you herd Blitz spoke.

Blitz:Come here often?

Startled you fell out of the chair and landed on your back,you sat up and stared at Blitz. And in your head you thought. How long was he there for? Dose he know about me and Loona? What the fuck is going on?

Blitz spoke up yet again.

Blitz:Hellllo,you alive?

You got up and started at Blitz.

Y/N:Yeah,I am. Your usually not here so you scared me.

Blitz chuckled.

Blitz:Scaring the person who invented the fear toxin. Ironic.

He took a sip from his mug filled with what you could think of it being coffee. After he was done taking a drink he spoke up again.

Blitz:Loonie still asleep?

Y/N:Yep,her snoring is all I herd when I woke up.

Blitz:You spent the night here? Did Loonie invite you?

You got out of your tired daze and realized what you just said.

Y/N:Eh.......yeah,I did. Loona drove me here and said that she dosent want to drive me back to my place so she invited me inside.

You tried to lie to avoid any more suspisions from Blitz.

Blitz:You realize we have an extra room for you to sleep in right?

Y/N:You do?

Blitz looked smug.

Blitz:Yeah,we do. It right next to Loona's. Did Loonie drag you to her room? Or did you go there yourself?

You started to stammer over your words and your face went slightly red. Blitz started to chuckle as he found your search for an answer amusing. You both then herd Loona groan from her room and then a small thud. You and Blitz both looked at Loona's room,and about a minute later a tired,messy haired Loona emerged from her room. Rubbing her eyes,she yawned and walked over to you,she looked down at you and hugged you tight.

Loona:You got to stop slithering away from me like that.

You were still stammering over your words. And Loona noticed.

Loona:What,little hellhound got your tounge?

Loona said this with a slight smug smile,her tail wagging and she leaned down to your face and kissed you. Blitz of course seen this and choaked on his coffee. Coughing for a good minute or so,Loona stopped kissing you and looked over to Blitz. In her tired daze she didn't realize that Blitz was on the couch,and when she did she went red.


Blitz was still coughing and when he got himself together he spoke.



Blitz sighed and stood up.

Blitz:Ever since Y/N woke up,you must have been really tired to not see me on the couch.

A hellhound's fear. (Loona X Male Reader) (OLD VARIATION)Where stories live. Discover now