Uncontrollable power. Part:2

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With Karasu by your side,your arsenal of weapons grew and you now have two voices in your head that'll help you throughout your journey,the journey of becoming the new king of hell. But for right now,your main focus was the target and Loona,as you exited the room you seen a long hallway to your left,the main lobby area and a set of stairs leading to the lobby. The lobby looked very modern, white quartz pillers,crystal chandelier,the walls were painted white with a gold outline. You could swear you were back at Stolas's palace at that very moment.

Lucifer spoke up and he sounded kind of smug when he spoke.

Lucifer:So now what? Do we look for your hellhound partner or do we try to find that target? If you ask me, I say we leave the hellhound behind and gain more power. I have a felling that this guy is keeping more powerful relics im this house.

Y/N:We aren't leaving Loona behind. And how the fuck can you scence more relics in the house?

Lucifer:Y/N,as I keep saying. I'm the king of hell, for what is normal to me seems impossible to you.

Y/N:Thats fair......

As you stood there, looking over the the main area you here a familiar voice from below you.


You looked down to see Loona,she seemed impatient as she had her arms crossed and she was talping her foot like a rabbit.

Loona:Come on. Are you just going to gawk at me or are we going to look at what I found?

You shook your head and jumped over the banister and fell to the ground floor. You landed with a loud thud. When you looked up,Loona was looking down at you.

Loona:Don't scare me like that you asshole.....

Y/N:And how did I do that?

Loona:You jumped down from twenty feet! Next time let me know what the hell your doing alright?

Y/N:You know its rare that I ever see this side of you. You should be nice more often.

Loona snarled and she walked ahead of you. Leading to where she was at before. After a few seconds of walking. She opend the door to a room that looked normal to say the least.

What you seen inside was a normal looking office but everything was scattered. Books on the ground,paper all over the desk and the ceiling fan had one of its blades bent somehow. But one thing caught your eye almost imidiatly. It was a leather journel with a deep red leather. But when you picked up the journel it didn't feel like leather. It felt like it was made of something,something thats not human nor animal,it felt like it came from a demon.

Loona:So you found the journel. There's nothing but scrambled writing in there so don't even bother looking.

When you opend the journel, the "scrambled" writing you seen seemed oddly familiar. The characters and the way it was written threw you off but you swore you seen this kind of writing before, then Lucifer spoke up.

Lucifer:This writing.....how the hell did he write hellish? Let alone read it?

Y/N:Hellish. That sounds familiar.

Lucifer:Its an old hell language that was forgotten decades ago. When the Oni's went extinct they took their writing with them,but how the hell could he write all of this?

You then herd loona speak up.

Loona:Hellish? Y/N your going crazy. That language is long gone. And that didn't look like hellish to me. Besides your talking to yourself again.

Y/N:Am I? I didn't notice.

Karasu then spoke up this time.

Karasu:I helped him write all of this.....he forced me to teach him the language......

A hellhound's fear. (Loona X Male Reader) (OLD VARIATION)Where stories live. Discover now