Past regrets

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You and Loona were on the road going towards a destination that you didn't know about. But Loona did,you looked out the window to see tree's passing by at a rapid pace. You looked up to see the Pentagram sun behind some dark red clouds. The sky was a light red but as the pentagram went down it slowly started to darken into a deep dark red. You look at the time on your phone and it read 7:45 P.M. You looked at Loona.

Y/N:We've been driving for what feels like hour's Loona,where in the seven rings are we going?

Loona eyeballed at you with a smug look.

Loona:You'll see,we're almost there. About another ten minutes.

You sighed at this answer and you continued to look around for the next ten minutes.

About ten minutes later the car stopped and turned off and you could hear loona say.

Loona:We're here,come on.

You nodded,grabbed your scythe and followed Loona. She went to the trunk of the car and popped it open. You seen a six pack of beer and a bottle of Whiskey with some shot glasses. Loona looked at you.

Loona:Your pick.

You leaned over and grabbed the bottle of Whiskey with the shot glasses.

Loona:Huh,most people would have grabbed the six pack.

Y/N:Is that bad?

Loona:Nope,not at all. Come on you got to see this.

Loona grabbed your hand and started to run,you held onto the bottle of Whiskey and shot glasses with one hand which you thought was impressive. You looked around to see that your both running through a forest with crimson red leaves,the forest was dense too. After a minute or so of running,you were both through the forest and came across a beach,with a red sea as far as the eye could see. The sand ran across the border of the forest for miles on end and infornt of the both of you was a giant flat rock,perfect for sitting on. Loona let go of your hand and went over to sit on the rock,you joined her. You put the Whiskey and glasses down beside you and looked off into what seemed to be an endless red sea. You then herd Loona speak up.

Loona:This is where I come to think when I need it. And I wanted someone to see this with me but no one seemed worth any of my time.

You looked at Loona.

Y/N:What makes me different from the others?

Loona looked at you.

Loona:Well first of all your an amazing guy,you seem to put others before yourself. Secondly you don't see me for just my fucking body and you see me for who I am,but you could be leading me on.

Your face turned from a blank expression to sorrow. The thought that Loona could think your leading her on makes you think on what she may have been through.

Y/N:If I were to lead you on,I would have injected you with the toxin a long time ago. Intentionally not accidentally.

You opend the bottle of Whiskey and took a quick swig. You offered it to Loona. Loona accepted and took a big swig of the Whiskey. Soon after you both talked and the more and more Whiskey you both drank the more honest you both were,liquid courage if you call it that. Loona then asked you something that you hoped that you won't ever have to talk about.

Loona:What happend to you before you came to hell? What did you do in your human life?

You looked down,then forward to the setting pentagram,in your head you thought to yourself. Should I tell her or should it wait? You then spoke.

Y/N:I was a that specialized in Military advancements.....I was tasked with making a new toxin that could be mass produced and shipped to other squadrents in the area. And thats when I made the fear toxin for the first has a chemical that goes straight to the brain,triggering on what you fear most in your life.....and boosting the adrenaline production in your body so that the toxin can be more efficient......and by all hell was it great,but I needed a subject to test it I went to the general or whoever was commanding at the time and I requested that we use it in battle to gain an advantage,of course  it wanting to lose the opportunity to gain an advantage he accepted......but he didn't drop it on the enemy oh no......he dropped it on a small town in the enemy's territory causing thousands of innocent lives to die.....and that day was known as the fear toxin massacre.....being the inventor of the toxin the blame was put onto they excited me......they used my own toxin on me so that id overdose from it and die a painful death just like the people in that town.....and I earned the nickname of the fear tonic killer. See it should have been that general that should have died,he should be the one down here not me,he was the one who dropped the attack on that town......and he blamed it all on me.....and I guess he mass produced it and shipped it off to make a quick buck......

You took the last swig from the Whiskey bottle and threw it into the red sea,Loona only sat there. Silent as the night that was falling. You both then herd a pair of unknown voices calling out to you.


You looked to who was talking to the both of you and you seen two demons. One was holding a katana with its shith on,he looked like he was from the samurai era,the other was a tall and beefy demon with horns the size of tree branches. You stood up and started to walk over to them. Loona spoke up.

Loona:Hey,I've seen these guys before. They aren't ones to be messing with,let's just leave before they kill you.

You ignored Loona and kept walking towards them. When you were close enough the tall beefy demon grabbed you by the shirt and held you up.

???:You have five minutes to get out of here before I smash your skull into powder.

Y/N:I highly doubt that.

You say this with a smug look,you squeezed your hand into a fist. Making the syringes on your gauntlet extend.

???:Oh well your quite cocky aren't you. You getting a load of this guy?

Whal he had his face towards the other demons direction you took this chance and plunged all four syringes into the demons neck. Filling his blood stream with fear toxin. He yelled and dropped you. Soon after he started to scream on the sandy beach. The other demon looked at you with a murderous intent.


You grabbed your scythe from your back and activated the fear toxin canister that was loaded into the spine of the blade. Fear toxin fumes started to fall from the blade and you swung it towards the demon. He blocked the attack but got a good smell of the toxin. He fell to the ground and you could see the fear in his eyes. You held your scythe in the air and plunged it into his chest,you herd a snap and the scythe disconnected his spine and broke his rips,you lifted him up and his body slid off the blade. You then turned to the bigger demon who was still screaming. You got ontop of him and started to punch him. Blow after blow after blow more blood started to fly and cover your fists. Soon enough Loona had to pull you off the demon as he was already dead. Loona looked at you with a surprised look.

Loona:That......that was badass!

You looked down at your blood covered hands. And you realized that you broke your gauntlet. The frame was all bent,a needle or two broke and fear toxin was leaking out and dripping with the blood.

Y/N:God fucking damn it......

Loona looked at you confused.

Loona:What happend? You alright?

You started to unstrap your gauntlet and Loona took notice of this. And she then realized what happend. And she put her hand on yours.

Loona:Hey its alright......we can fix it.

You looked at Loona and you seen that she was smiling at you,and it wasn't a minor smile it was an actual genuine smile. You had a face of pure shock and happiness as you never seen Loona actually smile.

Y/N:Your.....your smiling....

You put a hand on her face.

Loona:Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?

You smiled at her and you pulled her in for a kiss,she gladly accepted and it lasted for a few minutes. When it broke you both stood up,and you both walked to the car to drive back home. After about an hour or so of driving Loona pulled up at her place.

Y/N:Why are we at your place?

Loona:I want to spend the night with you. Now come on.

The car turned off and Loona opend the door,you soon followed and when you both snuck into the apartment you washed up and Loona was already in bed. Waiting,you took off your broken gauntlet and cloak and enterd the bed with Loone. She wrapped her arms around you and you both fell asleep. Before you both fell asleep you could hear Loona say.

Loona:I love you.......

A hellhound's fear. (Loona X Male Reader) (OLD VARIATION)Where stories live. Discover now