F o u r | Grievance Is A Fools Gamble

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"WHO EVEN NAMES THEIR CHILD THANATOS? It literally means death." The delirium in Joshua's voice rivals that of a child's realizing Santa isn't real.

Back against the soft mattress of the bed and feet dangling off its edge, I avert my gaze from the sapphire blue-the Shadow court's signature colour-ceiling towards my friend slouched on the couch at the far end of the room.

After Thanatos announced about the pristess-knew-who Master Manipulator, he simply declared since he'd answered my question, I was bound to answer his too. But because he was "bored" for the day, he'd ask tomorrow and until then we're free to stay in the castle.

It was a dumb choice to stay, dumber even to trust Thanatos, not that I did anyway. Yet I found myself agreeing.

Because this changes everything.

Four years we've been chasing down every information related to Thanatos and now there was a probability of a completely new pawn in this entire ordeal. Thanatos might or might not have killed Ryan. . . .

The uncertainty left me in tatters.

We'd been offered two rooms, one for me and the other for Joshua. Emerick and Esme had shown us to the rooms, the female seeming at the verge of massacring me for stabbing her master. Emerick, for his sake, just remained silent the whole time before the siblings left.

Which brings us to the present where Joshua had sneaked away from his room to lay like a paperweight on the couch of my room, hounding me with senseless questions.

"All of this mess and you're curious why he's named Thanatos? Really, Josh?" I pass him an incredulous look.

Joshua sighs, sitting up on his couch, "Look, Melly. I don't trust him. What if he's just lying about this master manipulator dude to trick us? I mean, what in the eggshell is even a psycho-kinetic?"

"I don't know either. I've never heard anything as such." I sigh, fixing my gaze back on the sapphire painted ceiling, "But then there are very few who know that I exist. I'm a mere legend to most. It's likely there are others who hid too, for reasons they deemed necessary. And if the master manipulator really does exist, if he's really connected with Lysander and Elian's captivity and Ryan's. . . ." I trail off, the next word clogging in my throat. I take a deep breath, release it, "Then Thanatos might be the only one who knows anything about him."

"Maybe Thanatos has some ulterior motive for keeping us here. Wait, he definitely does. On that note, why are we even staying here right now?"

I roll my eyes sarcastically, "Because we have to answer Thanatos' query."

Joshua groans, "Spare me the bullshit reasoning. I certainly don't want to get my throat fevicoled to the wall again. That man literally ate my powers back then! I had to put up a brave front. No, really, why are we here?"

I fought back an emerging smile at that, because like everytime, Joshua knew, "Because we're going to scurry a little and see if we find some information regarding whether all of this is even true and where Lys and Eli could be. We need to stall here for a few days, Josh. Then we'll figure out whether the master manipulator is really a new pawn or whether Thanatos is lying and he's behind all of this afterall. And if he is. . . ."

"Then we use this time to gather allies secretly and cunningly to capture Mr. Shadow King while the other time, we become the spies." Joshua muses, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, "Sounds like a plan, your majesty."

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