F i v e | We Shadow Creatures Are A Distrusting lot

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I was asleep but not.

People were speaking around me, their frenzied whispers unaware that I'm listening.

My mother's voice rang loud, the most sorrow-filled out of the panicking ones.

"They're going to kill her, Jose. They're going to kill her. We have to do something. We can't run forever." She cried, undoubtedly clinging to my father.

Father sounded weary, "I know, Miryam. I know. WE can't hide forever. But Mellisa-"

Suddenly, the sound of ancient chantings echoed around us, a melodic tune like that of a prayer ringing loud and clear in our ears.

"They're here." My mother whispered, terror seizing her tone, "No no no."

Father swore but as mother began growing hysterical, his command boomed, "Miryam, hold yourself together! Wake Mellisa up. Tell her to run."

Mother whimpered as if she knew what was going to happen, as if she knew the doom I'd inflicted on them and the price they'd pay.

The chanting grew louder, closer.

"Miryam, hurry!"


Hands, those were hands on my shoulders, shaking me vigorously.

"Melly!" Somewhere, someplace faraway someone called out through a tunnel.

"Melly Jelly! Wakey wakey!" It was loud, obnoxious. It was familiar. It was-


Joshua was hovering over me like a reaper, shaking me as if his life depended on it, as if there were assassins here to kill us.

Life depended on it.

Assasins here to kill us.

I jolt awake with a heavy, alarmed breath. I could feel my eyes switch and glow a vibrant blue, feel my fingertips heat with luminescent blue flames, feel my energy erupting in waves dropping the temperature around me-

Joshua blinks in surprise when I look at him before those brown orbs soften considerably, "Hey, relax. It's not anything threatening."

I just stare blankly at him, my eyes like razors scanning the place for any signs of danger.

"Gosh, Melly. Calm the eggshell down and get your ass moving." Joshua gives me another rigorous shake, "It's Shadow King Interrogation time, decision changed to early meeting in the middle of the night for some unfathomable reason. You barely even slept an hour!"

With a disapproving shake of his head, Joshua pulls me to my feet as if I were a soulless doll. I let him arrange my hair and pat my cheeks like a mother hen while my sight zeroes in on every object around, hunting for a threat.

"While I definitely despise the idea of you meeting Thanatos, least of all alone since he clearly informed his hunter outside 'no trailing companion', but I know you can handle it like a champ. Besides, the sight you will be granted of Emerick's six feet of pure male hotness on your way to the meetup, is probably worth it." He beams, all sunshine and rainbows.

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