chp 2- "dating or nah? "

901 27 0

Major fluff
Jie jie- sister
Gege- brother
Ni-chan- big brother
Bold- Japanese

Hakken's p.o.v.

It's been a few weeks since that incident the fan theories and rumors are spreading fast. I sighed and rest my head on my hand while doing some paperwork

" Are you alright darling? " Y/n asked getting concerned . I look at her and just nodded

"I'm alright love" I replied . She come near me and hold my face

" Dont lie to me Mr. Hakken Ryou " she said while doing a angry face and I smiled at her

"It's nothing love , it's just the fans getting worked up with the incident last time " I said to her

"Don't mind them darling " she said " btw I just finished modifying your Zhongli cosplay , can you fit it later so I can make adjustments before your photoshoot on Friday" she added

" Alright " I said wrapping my arms on her and rest my head on her shoulder "you'll be the photographer right? " I mumbled. 

Y/n's p.o.v.

"Of course ! .... you're my husband and you'll be cosplaying my new husbando ~" I said to him , he giggle and hugged me tighter.  Hakken might look cool and awesome but in reality he's a big softy ...he rarely show this side of him even to his family ... he's rather a reserve person ...Me and him meet in a convention,  funny story actually.....

~flash back~

I cosplaying red blood cell from cells at work and just like red blood cell I got lost ....
"Mom is gonna kill me ...ran where are you ???" I keep searching for ran when I bumped into someone

"sorry I didn't mean to bump into you " I said to them and look ..he was tall so I looked up at him,
" It's fine , dont worry" he said then take a look of my corsplay. 

" Nice , red blood cell cosplay"  he complemented me and I did the same to him,

" you too " he was the mostly exact cosplayer of white blood cell but the I remember that I still need to find my brother ...

" Have you seen a zoro cosplayer here? " I asked him if he saw a zoro cosplayer and he he lead me to where my brother was .

" Ran! " I go to my brother "where have you been?" I asked him

"Oh I went to get something jie jie" he said and look at hakken " who is this?"

" Oh. He's um..." Shoot I forgot to ask his name ...
" I'm hakken " he replied
"I'm ran and this is my sister cleverest " ran introduce both of us

~end of flash back~

And  after that , Me and hakken meet at a Cons , he gave me his number and we both continue to communicate everyday . We would talk once a week due to our schedule , as days turns into weeks and weeks turns into months, he told me that he liked me and I told him that I liked him too and here we are now.


I woke up from my nap cause my phone is getting blown up by notifications. I sit up and saw that my husband is in my work room ...he must be working or on stream with knite ... I decided to check my phone

"Ehh?? I keep being tagged to this " I said as I read one of the theories of hakken's fan that involves me  about his ring. I giggle while reading they have wild imaginations how do they even came up with this kind of theories and rumors.

Then suddenly my phone rings "N/n" it's my older brother, kou Chen , my older brother is currently in japan handling our family business. He's not a cosplayer tho but he's a major gamer mainly playing genshin impact , league of legends , lord of heroes and etc. but He supports us and even recommend some characters for us to cosplay.

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