Chp 14 - Foods

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The couple were now in their fifth month of the woman's pregnancy and her baby bump had grown in size and was quite noticeable. The couple couldn't wait for the beautiful child to be born and for them to be able to meet their child for the first time

Hakken and the woman were at the hospital together as the woman's contractions had started recently and the baby was going to be born soon 

"I want watermelon  and mochi " Y/n said 

hakken chuckled and looked at her and he smiled

"Of course, dear"

He then got up and walked out and came back a few minutes later with watermelon and mochi

"Here you go, love."

He handed the watermelon and mochi to her

"Eat as much as you want, my love." Hakken said  

He smile was like that of a proud father as he watched her eat the watermelon and mochi, he thought this was super cute of her and it made him so happy

"yummy ~" Y/n said as she started eating 

Hakken looked at her and smiled

"I'm so glad you like it, it's one of your favorite snacks right?"

He chuckled and walked over to her and sat by her side as he watched her eat the watermelon and mochi, he thought this was super adorable and he couldn't help but smile

"yes ...and kiwi too " Y/n Replied 

He picked up some slices of kiwi from a bowl and he sat down by her side and gave some slices of kiwi to her

"Here you go, love". He smiled at her as he watched her eat the kiwi and he was thinking that she looked really adorable*
"so yummy~" 

Hakken laughed as he kept feeding her various fruits that he knew she liked, he was enjoying every minute of seeing her eat and he knew she enjoyed the food as she was always talking about her pregnancies cravings and he always made sure to get the food she wanted

"You're eating way more than usual, my love, is this what you normally do while you're pregnant?" He was smiling while he said this and then he took her hand and leaned in to kiss her cheek
" the doctor said yes more please" Y/n said as she opened her mouth waiting for Hakken to feed her more

He chuckled

"The doctor told you to eat more than usual? " He said as he put a slice of kiwi in her mouth and he chuckled again

"You're quite a glutton when you're pregnant my love."

"heyy, that's rude's not just me eating you know " Y/n pouted 

He laughed softly as he fed her some more food

"You know that's right, the baby wants to eat too, so let's feed the baby as well" He smiled and kept feeding her more food and fruit as he knew it was something that she enjoyed eating

Hakken continued feeding her more food

"Are you hungry for anything else, my love? " He asked and  looked at her and placed another kiwi slice in her mouth, he was so happy that he could provide for her while she was pregnant and give her anything she wanted
"seaweeds and pickles " Y/n said 

He got up and went to go get some seaweed and pickles, his face lit up as he looked at her and he chuckled

"I got the food you wanted, you're quite spoiled, you know that?" He teased 

He handed her the bowl of seaweed and then he gave her some pickles and he watched her eat it and he smiled

"It's good that you're eating a lot of food, the baby needs all the nutrition it needs and it's a good thing you're getting as much foods as you can."

Y/n giggled

He chuckled and looked at her and smiled, as she continued to eat the food that he gave to her. He had to admit that watching her eat the food that he gave her was adorable, since she was very cute

"You're so cute, my love." He leaned over and kissed her cheek and the proceeded to hold her hand tightly, he was so happy to be by her side at this time


*skip to midnight *

Y/n was in the kitchen eating pizza 

Hakken  heard the sounds of somebody in the kitchen and he quickly went to find out who it was, as he was slightly worried. When he saw her eating the pizza

"My love, you're so loud when you eat." He chuckled and walked over to her and he leaned over the table she was eating on and he kissed her cheek

"What are you doing eating at midnight, my love? You should be asleep." hakken said to Y/n

" sorry I can't help it darling " Y/n replied as she bit the pizza 

"Don't be sorry, my love, if you want to eat a pizza at midnight then you have my full support." He chuckled softly

"How does it taste?" He asked and smiled at her and looked at her, he thought she was adorable and he knew he couldn't be angry at her
"good ~ " Y/n said as she smiled at him 

He smiled back

"I'm glad you're enjoying the food." He then took one of her slices of pizza and he took a bite out of it

"I guess I'll take a bite too. " He chuckled and took another bite out of the pizza, he found it to be quite good and he was happy he shared it together with her

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