1k reads special

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Thank you so so much for the 1k reads guys , you guys are the vest even though I'm kinda slow on updating  but here you goooo a special chapter for you peps...
Without further do let's gooooo

How hakken proposed to our dear reader 

Proposal gone wrong ?


 " hakken" you called out while waving your hand in the air 

you saw him at the other side of the road, waiting with the crowed who is ready to cross the pedestrian lane.  Hakken also raised his hand and tried waving " as not awkwardly" as possible. but you just found his tiny effort cute and giggled.   That didn't escape his eyes. now he's wondering what made you giggle in such an adorable manner. 

the lights that were just red turned green. you started walking with the crowds, and the same goes with hakken. 

"Hi. " he greeted after your met in the middle of the lane. 

"hello, Mr. hakken" you greeted back with a smile 

of course , that already made his day, making him smile as well.

" love stop using that it making me feel old " he said

"let's go?"  he asked as he interlock your hand with his

"sure ." you said as the two of you started walking to where hakken was earlier.

" so.... where are you taking me? " you asked

" ah " hakken mumbled with a hue of pink tinit on his cheeks, his hand brushing through his nape . 

" I heard about this cafe shop nearby. and they sell these... uhm well, cakes for a limited time." Hakken honestly said.

" I've thought about if for a while , and I've tasted those delicious desserts and I was wondering ....since you're  new here in Malaysia  , I can take you there to give it a go ?" 

" aww, that's so sweet . thank you for your consideration darling " you coyly said. 

"you're most  welcome. oh and I-I also needed company for a reason that....." he paused and looked to the side

" yes? " you asked in anticipation 

" they serve this uhm wine...wine flavored cake." Hakken said as he slowly get shyer and shyer.

" it is in need of us ...a companion to get the cake " he said

you chuckled at the taller man , making his face more heated up.

" I see. then let'd get that cake for you, shall we ? " you said

hakken nodded before faking a cough to get himself back together. calm down hakken , you've got this. 

the two of you arrived at the cafe hakken was talking about. and he was right, there was an event in the cafe that has them selling limited edition cakes.

the staff welcomed the two of you as one of them guides you to a vacant seat. 

" welcome! have you chosen order? " the waiter asked before  his eyes landed on you.

" I recommend  our limited edition blueberry moon pie, fitting for a cutie like you ma'am." The waiter said

you smiled in surprise.  you weren't expecting that, but you never wanted to frown about it . it was a cute compliment. 

" thank you " you said out of respect. 

" should I order for you ? " Hakken asked, a bit bothered. not that he'd let anyone notice it. 

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