Chapter 38- The Guerra Family [2]

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I cannot believe this. What a scheme Yan roped me into. Here I am, stuck out here in some children's park that hasn't seen much use and acting as if I ran away from home with a duffel bag with some clothes and pocket change that Yan gave me. Apparently, the Guerra Family hang out discreetly near these areas that don't get much traffic, and the guys bet that I can lure out one of them so I can infiltrate them and find anything remotely useful, whatever that means. As I sit on an unstable bench, I use my Sixth Sense View and close my eyes to try and sense anything or anyone that might be spying on me. Sure enough, there are two people who seem to be looking at me, moving around constantly and making some sort of hand signals within view of each other. Finally, they decide to approach me, and I still act like I'm asleep as I start to read their minds. "(?)No doubt about it, he's a runaway. Poor guy looks exhausted." "(?)Woah, who would have thought a runaway could be that cute. He doesn't look like the other runaways I've seen, maybe an idol?" I start to open my eyes when I decide that their footsteps are within earshot, surprising them. "Woah!" I try to act surprised, but they try to lower my voice. "Shh, shut up. Don't worry, we aren't bad people. We're runaways, just like you." Looking at them closely, they're both females who look similar towards each other in detail. Twins, maybe? The other one clears their throat, "Mia, hold your horses. You can't just assume every single Joe who comes by to be a runaway, especially since the sharks are getting more brazen. What's up with you, eh?" She looks at me suspiciously, "What's a guy with looks like those do to run away?"

My throat goes dry as I can't seem to give an answer immediately, but Mia interjects, "C'mon Via, look at him, he looks about he just went through a whole school year of bullying, just look at his eyes. I know you're pessimistic about everyone, but we were all down in the dumps like him once." Via just shrugs and starts walking around, but Mia gets my attention. "Sorry about her. We're often called out for our polar opposite personalities, but we're good people, honest." "Who's we?" I ask. "Good question," she sits down next to me, "we're part of a family, see. The Guerra Family. We take care of kids who've been left to fend for themselves, abandoned or otherwise. Too many nasty people are out there who would try to take advantage of us or worse, so the family is the safe haven we give to others here in San Anton, no matter how much those pesky gangs try to get to us." Everything she has said so far doesn't seem to be a lie, but I can't be sure about it as they might have made their members believe that so they can convince strays easier. "Anway, we should probably get going. If you don't mind following us, that is." Seeing the opportunity, I agree to follow them, with many minutes going by as we go through a complicated route of alleyways, buildings, and spots that hardly anyone would think of going through at a first glance. Finally, Mia and Via lead me to an awfully decrepit business building that looks like that hasn't been used in years. "Welcome to our home. It may not look much, but that's because it helps us hide away from society and the cops. Come on, I'm sure our parents will evaluate you fairly."

Parents? Is that a literal term or a name for their leaders? I can't say for certain, but I keep close with them as we go up through sets of stairs and I see more people within the building, all hanging about and doing menial tasks like cleaning. Finally, Via snaps to get my attention and points to a large door that looks polished and nicer compared to the rest. "Our parents are in this room, so we're gonna let them check you out and see what branch you can live in. Try not to irritate them with vague questions, alright? We're all family here." She opens the door and we all enter as Mia closes the door behinds us and waves towards them. "Hey-o! We found another stray at one of the parks, and he's a keeper!" There are four of them hanging together on chairs near the back, and the tallest one responds, "Mia, what did I tell you about bringing potential family members straight to us without giving us a heads up? We have a system in case it wasn't obvious." She looks flustered, "W-well, he's-" she whispers to me, "what's your name? I never got it back at the park." "Marcus." "Phew, thanks." She goes back to talking to the four 'parents'. "Well, Marcus is really hot and doesn't look like your typical runaway." One of them stands up and looks towards us, a woman who seems to barely be an adult. "You don't say. Yeah, he does seem rather good-looking to be like your average stray. Boy, are you an idol by any chance? Some sort of celebrity?" I shake my head. "That's a shame, Marcus. You look like you could fit in that line of business well. What brings you out here to the wild, and into this family?" By this point, the other three have gotten up from their chairs and form a line to look at me dead in the eye. The one who talked to Mia earlier looks around the same age as the woman, with a skinny frame and a rather nasty scar underneath his right eye. The other two look completely different, having abnormally large amounts of hair that it nearly covers their eyes and part of their ears, one having a larger frame and the other with an average height and frame.

"In case it wasn't obvious, boy, we're the so-called 'parents' that help maintain this family as the outside world wants to destroy us and act we are the problem instead of them. They make us look like the bad people when they are no better for abandoning us. You're an odd case, Marcus, so forgive us if we have our reservations, but we'll make space for you in our family if you give us some time." Before I can even reply in any way, the tall man's phone starts going off and he starts to call someone, "They're here? Yeah... just like I said, let 'em through and don't let anyone start a fight. Show them the way." He hangs up and crosses his arms, "Alright, sorry about that. It was kinda smart for you to pose as a stray to get here, but ya gotta know, NOTHING goes around these parts without us knowing about it." I ready myself into a defensive pose, ready for them to immediately attack as it is clear they knew about our plan. The long-haired men quickly get in front of the two parents as if to protect them, but the man waves them off. "Don't cause a scene so early. I just want us to talk, from Swift Cross to the Guerra Family in one room." Just then, the door behind me opens and Yan and Quarter burst in with a few members as well. "Marcus! Thank God you're alright!" Yan comes us behind me and pats me on the back. "At least you're not hurt. But..."

He looks towards the leaders of the Guerra Family, "Who are you all, the guys they said to talk?"

"Yeah, we are. Swift Cross, we're sorry we couldn't talk sooner, but why not start now?"

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