Chapter 4

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T-2 was out on his own this day, not exactly planning to do any thieving, they had a comfortable amount of money, but at this point it was almost second nature. So maybe he did steal a bit. Maybe just a couple dollars might've disappeared from some people's wallets. Nobody would need to know.

Though maybe it was a problem.

Maybe that was what T-2 was thinking as he was running through the streets of L'Manburg, dodging into alleys, away from two people who were with somebody he assumed was their father that may or may not have caught him stealing from them.

To T-2's advantage, he knew the streets like the back of his hand and could probably do it with his eyes closed.

To his disadvantage, both people were taller than him and were probably faster than him if he wasn't turning corners sharper than they were used to. Running from police and guards appeared to have done him good.

His legs were getting tired. That's not good.

Where's R-1 when you need him? T-2 thought, risking a glance behind him and seeing that both of his pursuers were much too close for comfort, pushing his legs to go faster.

Turning into an alley, he realized that he'd made a mental miscalculation and his memory had betrayed him.

It was a dead end.

He backed to the wall, ducking behind a dumpster in hopes the pair would miss him. They ran into the alley, heaving breaths easily heard by T-2.

"We know you're in here, just return the money and we'll leave you alone," one of them said.

T-2 stayed silent.

"Stealing is kind of a dick move y'know," the other said in a higher voice.

"Tommy don't be rude," the first scolded.

"It is!" Tommy stated. "Don't act like you're a saint Wilbur."

T-2 could almost hear Wilbur's eye roll from where he hid, though his fear of the two, who he assumed were brothers, had gone down significantly.

"We won't turn you into the cops or anything, if that's what you're worried about," Wilbur said, hitting the nail of T-2's worries on the head.

Even if the lab was gone, T-2 might as well be a wanted criminal, a person known by the police for being a thief that was notoriously known for evading any chases involving him. Though it was possible that Wilbur was just lying in hopes to make friends with T-2 and then turn him in later. But that was a risk T-2 was willing to take.

Standing, he stepped out from behind the dumpster, stingers at the ready if either guys tries to jump at him. He stood stiff, facing the two with a glare. The blond on the left - who he assumed was Tommy - she'd, jaw almost on the floor, the other on the right looking only mildly surprised.

"What?" T-2 asked, relaxing a bit as he stared at them with a confused expression.

"You're a child!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" T-2 retorted. "You're probably a child too."

"I am not a god damn child you-"

"He's 16," Wilbur stated, Tommy letting out a cry of anger.

"Oh! I think I'm 17."

"You think?" Wilbur questioned.

"How do you not know your own age?" Tommy added.

T-2 looked down at his wrist, counting the dots in the dim alley light. There were 16 dots there, and he'd remembered that one winter had passed in the time spent outside the lab, and the cell was always cold when they came to add another 'birthday dot' as he and R-1 had called them, so his birthday was in a cold month. December if he could take a guess, also considering he could always hear fireworks shortly after his dot.

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