Chapter 5: Identity revealed

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Where am I? What happened? Oh wait now I remember. I got hit by a truck. Why is it so dark? Are other worlds this dark at night or I'm in a really dark place?

Wait, why do I feel something really cold on my face? Am I buried under snow? Hold on, it's pretty warm in some parts, and that smell... is that, motor oil?

I can't move up, but I can feel air from behind me. That means I'm face-first into whatever the hell this thing is.

I pushed myself out of whatever I was stuck in. I took a few deep breaths as I backed slowly. There I saw that I was stuck in a wrecked truck. But it wasn't just any truck, it was the truck that hit me a few seconds ago. I caved it in pretty hard.

I turned around to see the driver lying down face-first on the road. I immediately rushed to their aid. I was a bit hesitant on helping out the guy. He looked dead but you may never know unless you check.

I flipped the guy over, revealing his heavily bruised face. There were a few pebbles pricked into his face and wounds leaking out blood. It would be a miracle if this guy was still alive under these conditions.

I placed two fingers on the side of his neck, just under his chin, to check for any pulse. Unfortunately, he was gone.

I looked back at the truck and saw that the windshield was broken. The guy must've been launched through the windshield upon collision. A result that could've been prevented by wearing a seatbelt.

I stood up and looked at Kiara who just stood there in shock after witnessing what had happened. Our eyes locked on each other, conveying different emotions.

I ran away from the scene like how a criminal would flee from a crime scene. Not once did I look back, I just kept running and running until Iw as far from that scene.

I stopped and leaned on a street light to take a few huffs and puffs of air.

"You fucked up, Kyou. Now what's Kiara gonna do the next time you show up?" I told myself.


Sunlight enveloped my eyelids. I hurriedly got up from the couch and fixed my hair, using the blank TV screen as a mirror.

"What're you doing?" Ame asked me as she took a sip from her mug.

"I'm late for work! I don't know why my alarm didn't sound," I answered.

"It's Saturday today," Ame replied.

"It's a what now?" I asked.

"Saturday..." Ame repeated. Ame backed up her claim by showing me the lockscreen of her phone which showed the day, date, and current time which was 8:15 AM.

I went back to the couch and slumped back as if I lost all energy to move.

"What was with the panic for being late?" Ame questioned.

"Usually, I'm never late to work," I answered.

"I'm sure there's more than keeping the image of being early to work everyday," Ame questioned further. "The fact that you didn't know it was a weekend could mean something."

"Look I just got spooked that's all," I tried to end the conversation.

"Alright, alright," Ame backed off.

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