Chapter 1: Alcatraz's Destruction

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"Draco get in here! We have been waiting for you to finish signing those papers for thirty minutes." I yelled, wondering what was taking so long for him to finish a few papers he claims to have already read.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." He hollered from his study before appearing around the corner.

"Finally, I swear, you took longer than Hermione does fixing her hair in the humidity." Ginny sighed exasperatedly.

"Hey! It's not that bad anymore." I retorted while looking down at the strand of brown hair that was draped over my shoulder.

Ginny just laughed before pulling her husband off the couch and towards the door. "You are right about that, but let's go before we're late."

"Since when were you ever a time-managing fanatic?" Draco asked, a hint of a smirk in his tone. Ginny whipped around and glared at him from her place on the other side of Blaise.

"Shut up Malfoy!"

"Hey." I exclaimed, feigning offense.

"Oh, sorry Hermione." She apologized before turning back to the blonde. "Shut up ferret!"

"Back to childhood nicknames I see. Alright then Weaselette." He smirked.

"Okay we can finish this little bickering session later." I chuckled. "Right now, we have to go or we really will be late."

Ginny huffed playfully before leaving, pulling Blaise along with her. I then looped my arm in Draco's and followed them.

"Okay, remind me where we are going again." Blaise said.

Ginny sighed in defeat before muttering under her breath. "I swear you are worse than Theo. We are going to see them tear down Alcatraz as a sign to free all muggleborns, half-bloods, and blood traitors from that wretched place."

"Oh, I know." The dark skinned wizard smiled. "I just like getting you worked up."

Ginny glared at him before sighing in defeat when he pressed a kiss to her temple. "You are despicable." She muttered.

"But you love me." He smiled before pulling her into his side. "So, are we apparating separately or together?"

"It doesn't matter to me." I shrugged.

"Alright then, we'll go together so we don't get separated." Draco decided before placing a hand on Blaise's shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his waist, preparing myself for the feeling of side-along apparation.

I felt the squeezing feeling for a moment before I was released and my feet hit solid ground again. I opened my eyes, that subconsciously closed, and looked around. The sight of the building that held me captive and tortured me made me me panic a bit. I know that there is no way that I would be admitted back in because of my newfound blood status, but I still couldn't help the feeling of dread that coursed through my body.

"It's okay." I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear. I glanced up and brown eyes met silver. I nodded before managing a small smile, reassured by the thought that I was protected even if I felt a bit weak by thinking so. I'll never be as strong as I once was, but I had the encouragement of wonderful friends, an amazing sister in law, a supportive brother, and a perfect husband. The beautiful kids we had were a bonus and I wouldn't change anything, even if it meant that I could have my old life back.

We started walking towards the crowd of people that were being held back by magical barriers. We made our way to the front and found Ginny was looking for us in the crowd.

When she caught us in her sight, she waved us over. "What took you so long? We have been waiting here for hours." She exaggerated knowing all too well what was keeping us.

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