20. Dull Life

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'If I ever get out of here, I'm never wearing black, white, or gray ever again,' thought Jungkook as he stood in front of Seokjin's closet.

He flicked through the clothes there for the hundredth time, but everything seemed to be a version of the same suit. Letting out a noiseless sigh, Jungkook reached out a hand to grab one of the suits. He then entered the bathroom, taking an extra long shower before stepping out and putting on the clothes he had picked out. Staring at his waterlogged reflection in the fogged up bathroom mirror, he hated what he looked like. The last time he had dressed like that had been at his parents' funeral.

He shook the bad memory away, leaving the bathroom to go out into the kitchen. He had lost all sense of time since being here, but he knew that he hadn't eaten at least in a day or two. Surely Seokjin had something lying about the place. Color couldn't possibly effect the taste of food. Jungkook started to go through the cupboards, tugging them open one after the other.

'How can one man own so much oatmeal?' he thought as he noticed every single shelf was full of it. 'This is like a prison.'

Jungkook had felt slightly bad for Seokjin when he hadn't been feeling jealous. What must it be like to relive the same script over and over again alone? As he reached a hand out to grab an oatmeal packet out of the box, he looked over at the picture frame-less photo that laid on the counter. After he had thrown his initial fit to create sound, he had tried to pick the place back up. The picture was just of Seokjin. Seokjin was smiling in the picture, but the smile didn't meet his eyes.

'You weren't ever happy, were you?' he thought as he moved to pour the oatmeal packet into a bowl. When he added water to it, it transformed into gray goop.

'Yum,' he thought as he forced himself to eat it so his growling stomach would stop.

When he forced the oatmeal down, he moved to step outside. The world was just as quiet. The silence rang in his ears as he walked alone down the sidewalk. He tried waving at a few people that passed by him, but it was as if he were a ghost. None of them turned his way so he tucked his head down and kept walking. When he arrived at the office building that Seokjin worked at, he entered and moved to walk up the stairs. As he climbed up, he took the work badge out of his pocket that he snatched off the counter on the way out the door, looking at Seokjin's face. As he studied the badge, a woman seemed to appear suddenly beside him, passing him on the way up the stairwell. He tucked the work badge away once he reached the landing, noticing the woman was still standing there.

She was rather beautiful. That he noticed right off. She certainly wasn't any Aspen to him though. His eyes looked her up and down for a moment more, wondering why she seemed familiar to him. He eventually shrugged it off as having seen the movie in the theater. After all, he had thought Seokjin had looked familiar too for a little bit when he had first shown up. The woman looked at Jungkook for a moment more before opening the door that led into the office space. Jungkook followed in closely behind her, noticing her being swept up into the arms of a man that was clearly the boss of the place. Jungkook tucked his head down, wandering about as he looked for where Seokjin's work area was. When he approached it, another man seated at the cubicle next door turned to look at him; quirking a brow.

'Who are you?' They wrote out on a sheet of paper, thrusting it at him.

'Jungkook,' he wrote back. 'I'm subbing in for Seokjin for a bit. Who are you?'

'Namjoon,' he wrote before settling back in his chair and watching the other as they took a seat at Seokjin's work area.

Jungkook could tell that the other was looking over at him in an inquisitive manner. He wondered why. Was Seokjin scrutinized every day by his co-worker?

'You're not his sub, are you?'

Jungkook looked at the next note that was pushed his way, looking over at Namjoon again.

'What do you mean?'

'You know what I mean.'

After he read that note, he looked over to watch Namjoon pick up a pen from the cup on his desk, chucking it across the room until it bounced off the wall soundlessly. Jungkook quirked a brow. He wasn't sure what sort of point that was supposed to make. He watched as Namjoon rolled his eyes, scribbling out a note before passing it to Jungkook.

'Seokjin escaped, didn't he? And you aren't his sub.'

'How do you know that?'

'Because I am like Seokjin. Like you. I don't belong here. I've been trapped here.'

Jungkook gazed over at Namjoon as he watched him try to form words with his mouth. Jungkook froze in fear. Namjoon knew what sound was, and he was trying to make it to no avail.

What in the actual heck was going on?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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