Chapter 2

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A/N hi its me If your reading this thank you for giving my story a try and I hope you liked the first chapter anyway that's all I wanted to say so lest get back to the story.

Yn(where am I). I wake up in the middle of the woods my body feels heavy and I'm feeling light headed. When I fully come to I realised I I was in a kind of Armor.

 When I fully come to I realised I I was in a kind of Armor

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A/N like this.

Yn. Why dose it have a Tail.The tail wagged.I tried moving it up and down and there it went up and down.  

Yn. So I have a Tail and are these wings.

The wings retracted in to the back of the Armor and the tail did the same leaving we with white and black Armor with a 4 green crystals poking out of my hips crating a skirt like structure. I experimented with the wings and the tail for a bit before I felt someone or something glaring at my back. I make sure my tail and wings are retracted before terning around and through the bushes all I could see where a pair of red crimson eyes.

Yn(OK aqua said that I absorb wind and air so I have bean here for 5 minutes meaning I can most likely make a small wind blast then run for the hills.)
Yn. I should better try then not try.
I put my hands out in front of me and I started consantraighting my focus on my hands then I felt a jolt, a river of energy run through my body from my back to my hands then WOOSH. A blast a air shot forword and hit the creature with red eyes but before I started running I heard a cry of pain and then from the bushes came a girl and she was out cold.


Yn. Konosuba


I made a camp fire and was grilling some mushrooms and roots over it when the girl woke up. the girl in question had brown hair red eyes. she aslo had a black top on a pink skirt and well she had a lot of plot

 she aslo had a black top on a pink skirt and well she had a lot of plot

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yunyun. where am I.
yn. your awake I'm yn
yunyun. I'm yunyun why am I hear.
yn. I well I kind of knocked you out with my wind magic. Anyway enough about that you ok.
I put my hand out to help her up . she started blushing before they took my hand as i helped them up.
yn. here.             
I handed here the kabab of roasted roots and mushrooms
yunyun. thank you
she took the food and started eating
yn. why were you staring at me from the bushes
yunyun. I'm s sorry i was wanting to ask y you fore h help but im a bit shy so i didnt know h how to get your attention
yn(poor girl I feel bad for her). that's it I made up my mind
yunyun. about what
yn. yunyun your going to join me on my quest
yunyun . what no I shouldn't id only slow you down I'm not that useful i only have mid tire magical ability
yn. I don't really care about your magic i care that your a nice person and i think that if we go together we can defeat any thing that stands in are way. so what do you say friend
yunyun. you consider me a friend but we only just met
yn. so if your a nice person it dosent mater if we just met . if your a nice person to me and speak kindly to others you are my friend and you check both of those categories so you yunyun  are my friend.
Yunyun had a massive blush across her face.
Yunyun. Thanks yn.
Yn. Your welcome so let's go.
I kicked out the fire as I headed towards the edge of the forest with yunyun in toe.


Yn. Kono

Yunyun. Suba


We reach the edge of the forest and we hit the main track fro. What I could tell we had 4 hours be for sun set and from What yunyun said it should take 1 hour to get to the closest town. It was called axle and I had a strong bet kazuma and aqua were there.

Yunyun. So yn what's with that armor.
Yn. It was a gift from the gods.
Yunyun. Really that's so cool it looks familiar somehow but I can't place my finger on it.

Before she could fiver it out we just hit the walls witch surrounded the town of beginnings axle.

Yn. Well the. Yunyun thets head on in.

A/N hi I hoped you like this new 0art 9f my story so the party is just yn and yunyun lets see who will join next in the upcoming chapters of this story. Just as a reminder I am dyslexic so if there are any spelling errors just give me the correct spelling and I will fix it right away other then that people of the Internet I leave you with my final word.

God's blessings on me was Amazing (YN Whiled Of Clear Wing Armor.) Where stories live. Discover now