Do I Like Her Or Him..?

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" What?! No, you have the wrong idea!" Elle exclaimed, "He's like my brother, I've known him since I was 9! He's like my brother!"

"Oh." Emma muttered, "Well then why were you staring at both of us? Not only that but you looked suspiciously jealous!"

"Oh...You saw that..." Elle said under her breath, "Fuck, listen...I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but I really need to get it off my chest..."

Emma was confused but let her speak. Elle had explained how she was staring and a little bit jealous of their relationship. Emma knew it! She knew that Elle was jealous of her and Jake's relationship! Then Elle explained further.

"I'm not jealous of you dating Jake. I'm jealous of Jake dating you, I don't like Jake. I like you..." she explained.

Emma was shocked. She left without saying anything. Emma needed fresh air. What Emma didn't know was that by leaving, she broke Elle's heart.

"Hey, babe! Oh- Oh! What's wrong you look upset!" Jake said, confused.

"Y-yeah, just give me a sec! I need to think about some things." Emma said re-assuring him.

"Ok..." he then walked away confused.

She then wondered how she felt about Jake still. She also questioned her sexuality, was she straight, bi, lesbian, pan, etc. Was she cis, trans, non-binary, gender-fluid, etc. She had no idea what to do other than just think. She then started thinking about her feelings towards Elle. She loved Elle. That she didn't have to question. The question is how did she love her. Did she love her like a best friend, sister, or girlfriend..? She couldn't think, so she went to bed.

The next morning she woke up to 58 text messages, 15 missed calls, and 13 voicemails. All from Jake and Elle. The last text was from Elle. It read, "I'm sorry for all the trouble I may have caused your relationship with me, and maybe even Jake. If you can talk to me soon that would be awesome, but I totally understand if you need time."

Word Count: 345 words

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