What's My Sexuality???

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This is the shortest chapter. 

And then Jake's last text was, "Why aren't you responding are you ok? Where are you? I'm coming over to your room! If you aren't there and you haven't texted me back then I'm calling the cops. Text me ASAP! I'm worried..."

She felt bad for both of them. They were probably both worried sick. Though, they were probably worried for different reasons. Emma had a lot of reasons if she wanted to ignore Elle, although she had no reason whatsoever to ignore Jake. She texted them both back though. She said, "Omg, I'm so sorry! I wasn't trying to ignore you at all. I fell asleep!" They both replied instantly. Although Elle probably replied faster though. Elle had said, "Oh. I thought you were mad at me, which I would understand why, and you just didn't want to talk to me at the moment. Btw, I'm so sorry if I changed our relationship negatively." Then Jake said shortly after, "Yeah, ik. I figured that out after 29 texts, (and coming over to your room). I'm just glad that you're

Okay." She blushed at Jake's response and felt horrible after reading Elle's text. She had then tried to think more about her feelings toward Elle and Jake. Which one did she like more, which one could she say, possibly marry in her future? She couldn't think. She did find out something about herself though. She is NOT heterosexual...

word count: 246 words

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