After the breakup

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"Oh, Emma..." she comfortingly behind the door, "You don't have to be sorry! You didn't even have to break up with him!"

"You're not mad that I'm upset about my breakup with Jake" Emma questioned while wiping tears away.

"huh?!" she said in a confused tone, "Yes I'm very mad at you for having human emotions"

The mocking voice she said that in made them both start to laugh. After that there was a moment of silence, then the door handle started to rattle then Emma opened the door with smudged make-up. You could tell she has been crying, you could also tell that her face was smashed into a pillow as well. Elle quickly lost her smile and felt horrible, she then hugged Emma tightly.

"Um, Elle?" Emma said hoarsely.


"Can you let go of me now? Please" Emma had begged.

"O-oh yeah"

Elle then quickly let go and scratched her neck out of embarrassment. Emma then reassured her that it was nothing to be embarrassed by.

They were both quiet for a second. Then Emma dropped her phone, they both bent down to get it and then both of their hands touched and they looked into each others eye's there. They then quickly snap back to real life and they both stood up, Elle holding Emma's phone. She then gave the phone to Emma.

"Thank y-" Emma was quickly cut off by Elle.

Elle had kissed Emma. Emma had then slowly melted into the kiss. It had started to become more passionate. Elle had then pulled away from amazement.

"S-sorry, but I needed you..." Elle nervously said.

Emma said nothing, she had responded with a smile though. She then went up to Elle and kissed her again, this was different though. It was expected, so it was softer and just... Better. Elle's lips were so soft compared to Jake's. Elle was able to add her tongue to the kiss.

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