lover boy -klitz

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(Backstory you and klitz have been friends since middle school and you started to have a crush on him In your freshman year. You thought he only saw you as a friend. But that's where your wrong)
Narrator pov

You are on the couch watching TV bored out of your mind then your phone starts vibrating. You look at the contact and your stomach dropped as you saw "klitz <3" on your screen.

You turn off the TV as fast as you could and picked up the phone.

"Hola papi" you say in a jokeing way

"Hey y/n, I wanted to ask you something if that's not an issue"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Are you perhaps seeing anyone at the moment...?" He asks

"Nope why do you ask, do you like me?" you laugh quietly after your sentence

"Actually " he pauses taking a deep breath.

"I have a really big crush on you for a long time actually, I was never able to tell you since I was too scared of being rejected"

You were flabbergasted. Your crush is now confessing his feelings for you.

"Me to, I thought you didn't like like me. I am glad you feel the same way" your praticly jumping with excitement.

"Oh um about my question from earlier would you perhaps be my s/o"

"Of course why wouldn't I!"

"Im glad you agreed, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow" klitz says with a smile

"See you tomorrow lover boy"

You hung up the phone only to jump from the couch and start jumping up and down go to bed not waiting to see your lover boy.

In the morning   😍

You get ready as usual and head to school with your heart pumping out your chest. You wave to klitz and he speed walks to you and kisses you. You were stunned but melted into the kiss. You hear cheering from Eli and Matthew but you didn't care at this point. You both seperated from each other and hold hands.

"Shall we get to class" klitz says

"Sure lover boy" you said smiling proudly.

You both walk to class with Eli and Matthew mocking you guys behind and congratulating both of you guys.

(A/n: sorry if that was cringy this is my first time writing fan fiction so I hope you guys like it)

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