Main Character(s)

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Your main character will have the spotlight of attention for the majority of the story. Other characters may have their point of view shown every once in a while, but main characters will have their view set most of the time.

The main character can be built however you'd like, but you must make sure to either keep them realistic, relatable, or both.

Relatable is a tough one that can cause some issues later down the road, so I'd be careful about that unless they are an OC of yourself or a friend.

Some major things you'll want to focus on with your main character is how they act, talk, and interact with the world around them.

You'll want to show if they are a naturally happy person or even a more reckless person. It never hurts to show more than one side of them, but that can confuse your reader if not executed properly.

The last thing you ever want to do when making a story is neglect the main character.

If you started the story revolving around them, it HAS to end revolving around them, unless he/she is destined for a fate that won't allow that...THEN you can use another character to finish your story.

One of the BIGGEST things about a main character, is that if the story revolves around them, YOU MUST involve what they are going though.

Don't be shy to make them happy, suffer, pained, relieved, etc.

Characters must undergo real life situations to make their lives look like they're an actual person.

If you were to make your character like they were from a kids movie/show, THEN you can dial down their emotions and traumas.

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