The BIGGEST Issues With Writing.

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These are the largest issues that I PERSONALLY think of and see when I read stories out there. Not just on Wattpad, but many other sites, books, etc.

For the more novice and rookie writers out there, please don't take offense to this. I understand that you're just starting to experiment with writing and need some time to find a comfortable writing style.
Maybe instead, use this part to incorporate some tactics and useful tips into your own story.

The first big issue I constantly see is how a story can be rushed.

I am super guilty of this myself in my earlier days of writing, and sometimes, still am even today.

It's one thing to make a shorter chapter to keep the story moving on if you had multiple previous chapters focusing on one thing, but to ENTIRELY skip past many major points of a story with little to no context drives people insane.

With professionally made fiction stories, this can still be an issue, but more than most, you see this issue in the branch of stories I've been working with: FanFiction.

This branch is not only chaotic at times, but also has many difficulties that come with it. When you want to make major adjustments to the characters from another story, movie, show, etc. you need to make sure you show their character growth and development VERY carefully or else it'll be confusing as hell to those readers who really enjoy the actual thing.

My second thing (this is kinda turning into a rant, sorry) is relationship themed chapters and scenes.

Okay, I'm DONE holding this back, and I THINK I might finally have a solution to why this keeps happening.

It's SUPER common to see a chapter where a couple is involved (doesn't matter age, gender, race, etc) and sometimes (sometimes more than not) the two, or more, speak with a tone like they're CONSTANTLY in their honeymoon phase.

Now this isn't a bad thing. Having those cute interactions between two or more characters is good and all, but when it happens to occur over a long period of time, and EVERY character does something like this, that's a problem.

Now here's my solution to that. I personally think, that when us writers write stories like this, we let our emotions get the best of us.

Having a creative and thoughtful imagination is one thing, but when you let all of your characters interact the SAME EXACT WAY in relational aspects of stories, it kinda......drags. Sorry if that sounds blank or rash, but it's the honest truth.

I struggled with this for a LONG time my first year and a half of writing. I had to learn to write with only my imagination and leave my emotions out on some occasions.

That's something that's needed. You need to allow your characters to experience everyday issues...WITHOUT a honeymoon phase coming in!

I get it that some just want to write up the perfect world where absolutely nothing can go wrong except for the occasional thing that screws over all of the characters for some time...but you need to be careful about using this strategy.

A lot of readers like to look for realism in stories, but when it comes to this...this is the FARTHEST from realism it gets. I mean, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND lives a honeymoon phase their whole life!? They'll be pretty disappointed when their partner actually gets into an argument, won't they?

When's the last relationship you've seen this way? Honestly. Tell me. (Not in stories)

Pretty much every relationship I've seen (not had) in real life has been an absolute shitfest, had rocky moments, or had even some sort of abuse tied in.

I get it that this breaks a lot of hearts for a lot of people to even just witness, and even causes them to strive for an imagination of if things were different.

That's why I think these types of scenes in stories are like this. Our emotions get to us about the real world, and it causes us to want to make a fairy-tale replica of what our minds WANT to see.

It's absolutely NOT A BAD THING that people do this. It's the fact that it happens WAY too often in stories, even sometimes in the exact SAME STORY! STOP IT!

My third thing I'd like to discuss is actually becoming way less of a problem now, but I'd still like to discuss it with novice writers out there who find this.


Sometimes, we just can't find a good story to make, so we make tiny little 5 minute long crafts to see the reactions out of it.

I get it.

It's what we do to experiment with stories and what we should make.

What bothers me, is when a story appears that's only between 1-3 parts long in TOTAL length and less than 10 minutes long that bothers people.

This does NOT apply to writers who are currently in the early works of a story. Ignore this part if that's the case.

If a story is written that's 5-10 minutes in length, and has only 1-3 parts, that's okay, but a lot of us can determine that it's an experimental story. If you're really planning on making a full fledged story about the topic, why not do it when so many people already enjoy your stories!?!

Let's go to the other end of the spectrum.

-This part may sound offensive to some-

I know that sometimes someone will make a story and it may not get a lot of attention.
Now this isn't a bad thing.
Some people just don't have that kind of interest. That's okay. It takes time.

Sometimes, it's even the fact that you remain on the same story topic for such a long time. Your story doesn't progress, or that the story just took so dang long to make for a short (if applicable) length that it lost interest of others.

In some cases, it may even be the fact that you've finished your writing days, and just need to take a step back for a while.
No you don't have to fully retire from writing. You just need to take some serious thought into consideration if this is really for you. If it is, GREAT! Keep going!

If it's not, then maybe take some time off, experimenting on small things here and there, but not actually writing full stories.

I personally am thinking of doing this in the near future. Not decided on when. But this is because that I want to be able to experiment with other topics out there than just Science Fiction. I love the genre, but I need to try others out too.

I know this part probably sounded really harsh to some writers out there in some places, and I am only writing because I just need to get some things off my chest and only want to help others get better at writing. Think of this however you want, just at least know I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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