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Tw: Mention of Self harm/ ed
Ranboo Pov:
My arms and thighs are burning from what I did last night. I'm not proud of myself for doing it but I deserved it so what does it matter. I don't know how I'm gonna cover my scars because me and the cricket crew are going to LA which is pretty warm. I can't wear a hoodie all the time they'll get suspicious.

I don't know what to do i should probably tell them but they'll hate me and tell the internet and not want to be my friend anymore. I can't eat anything either because they'll think I'm fat. What do I do?

I should start packing to be honest. I grab 7 hoodies, 6 shirts, 8 pants, 3 pairs of socks. I then here a discord notification from my pc i look to see who it is and its Aimsey.

Aimsey- Hey Ranboo just wanted to see how you were you seem pretty stressed lately and I just want you to know I'm here to talk. Ok see you tomorrow!

I smiled at the message and message thanks. I then hear the rumble of my stomach and then I realized how long it's been, 6 days.

Next day
Aimsey POV
Ranboo seems more distant than usual thats not good. I've also noticed him wearing hoodies more than usual and even though he lives in a pretty warm area. Were staying with Ted while we visit and maybe i could ask him about Ranboo.

I message him on discord saying;
Aimsey- Hey Ted i just wanted to know if you have noticed any weird behavior of Ranboo lately?

Ted- He seems more stressed out lately, so ya

Aimsey- ive also noticed him wearing hoodies all the time even though he lives in a warm place.

Ted- Wait- do you think he's been cutting?

Aimsey- I hope he isn't lets keep an eye on him to see if something happens

Ted- ok. I hope hes ok

Aimsey- i hope he's ok too

Time skip Ranboo arrives

Ranboo POV

I just got off the plane and I see the cricket crew and Ted. Aimsey gave me a hug and i hissed because it was painful for my arms i hope he didn't notice. Aimsey then said "We should go get food." We all agreed and i just went along.

We got to the McDonald's drive through and Ted asked me what I wanted. "Oh, I'm not very hungry." I said not trying to sound suspicious.

Tubbo said "Dude how are you not hungry!" I flinched a bit at how loud he was.

"Ok I'll just have some fries." I tried to sound confident. Aimsey smiled at me and when we got our food i started to panic. Aimsey seemed to noticed and asked if I was alright. I nodded and we finally got to Teds place.

Aimsey POV

We all sat at the table and Ranboo just was picking at his food instead of eating it. I then hear Billzo ask if Ranboo was going to eat the fries. Ranboo shook his head and gave Bill his fries. I knew something was wrong and I needed to tell Ted.

After McDonald's i asked Ted if we could talk in another room he nodded and we went to his room to talk. "I really think Ranboo has an ED. And i also think there's cuts on his arm because when I hugged him I heard him hiss in pain." I said calmly

Then ted said, "He also didn't eat anything and gave his fries to Bill. I also noticed when he got the fries he seemed panicked. We really need to talk to him."

"Yes i agree and afterwards i think we should tell the others." I said strongly.

"We should let him take his time and confront him if this is all true. And tell him that we will tell the others." Ted said.

Me and Ted walked up to Ranboo and i said "Ranboo we need to talk to you."

I'm sorry Ranboo angstWhere stories live. Discover now