Getting Ember's gift

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Error had been buying cat toys, cat trees, and other cat related things, and hiding them in his room. He also made his room off limits to everyone, telling them he didn't want to spoil the surprise for them. This got each kid excited, knowing it had to be big. They didn't know what, but they were excited nonetheless.

Error already knew what kind of cat Ember wanted due to the drawings they did with their siblings. They would be happy with any cat, but they really wanted a ginger cat, liking its bright orange colors. After talking with their siblings, they thought Señor was a funny word, and wanted to call them Señor Pretty. So Error stol- Ahem, adopted an older Ginger cat that was missing an eye, and, erm, bought one of those name-tag engravers, getting a collar and putting their collar in a very small gift bag, knowing the four would be confused at first until they saw it. Error chuckled when he imagined their faces. He then opened a portal to Life's garden, knowing Reaper was out at the moment.

Error walked through, holding Señor Pretty, and petting his head. He waited for a few seconds, before hearing his name. When he turned, he was greeted by Life's smiling face. "Hello Life!" Error greeted, smiling as well. "Hello Error!" Life greeted back. "And who is this?" She asked, petting their head, giggling when they purred. "Meet Señor Pretty." Error answered, to which she tried to stiffle her laughter, looking at him, wondering if he was serious. When Error nodded, she exploded with laughter. "Oh- oh. That so adorable!" Life said, trying to catch her breath.

When she calmed down, she reached out her hands, and Error gave Señor Pretty over, who didn't seem to like moving spots, but rested again soon after. "Just to warn you, Reaper might return soon once I start using my magic, and everyone will feel it, knowing I blessed someone, so you will have to stay away for a few days." Life warned, and Error nodded. "I'll make sure to show you pictures of them when I get back." Error said, to which Life smiled. "I look forward to it." She said, before working her magic. Gold and green surrounded her, and encircled everything around them, including him as well. It felt amazing, strange, and very comforting. The magic mainly focused on the ginger cat, however. The cat started looking a lot healthier, and their fur gained back more of its color. The cat didn't de-age, just became healthier. It's eye didn't come back, but its face seemed to have healed, and the eye it did have looked stronger. When she was done, she opened her eyes, and looked at the cat. "Señor Pretty is just fine, and is much stronger now. He should be able to run around like a kitten, and his muscles and organs are stronger now as well. It's impossible to get back what was never even there, however, and even it it was once there, it is forever gone." Life explained, referring to his eye. "No, it's ok Life. Thank you." Error said, taking Señor Pretty back. Just then, Life looked up. "He's back. Quickly leave Error." She said, and Error opened a portal. The two said their goodbyes, and he left, closing his portal just in time as Reaper came into view.

Error went back to his room, having already set his room up for Señor Pretty, and putting all other cat things he was going to use later in his unused closet. (He liked using a tall/big dresser more)

He gave them some cat food, and knew Ember's birthday was just tomorrow, having already gotten them cake, and their siblings having gotten them presents as well. Error left his room, and closed the door behind him, spending the day with his kids, and not letting a single one even go anywhere near his room.

At the end of the day, he tucked each of his kids in, and promised Ember that tomorrow was going to be their best birthday yet.

Hey guys! I know you all are used to bigger chapters, so I'm sorry this one is so short. But I'll try to make the next one longer, I'll make it the most detailed birthday party you've every read! At least 1000 words! Anyways, Error meets with Life, and she blesses Señor Pretty, amazing name, I know.

P.S. and this is serious, I keep seeing Ember as a she, but I don't know what pronouns the original creator gave them, and they never told me, so I was wondering if you guys would be ok with me calling Ember a she, or if you would want me to continue with calling Ember a they? Don't worry, it won't be a random change, there will come a point where Ember will have a serious talk with Error about how they finally realized who they are, and wanted to be called She/Her.

Just to be completely clear, Error either had the feeling of who they are at the beginning, or called them They/Them until they told him themselves. Just my idea.

Hope you almost enjoyed. See ya'll next time! Have meme!

 See ya'll next time! Have meme!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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