"Wait did you say fifteen of them?!"
The smaller girl only nodded lightly on edge of how he responded. "What do the other marks look like Astraea?" She told them that they were the marks of the other sins and there were others that she didnt know. She did her best to describe them though and when she was done he did not look like his normal happy self. "Well good news and bad news, Good news we are on a quest to retrieve all of the sins but the bad news is that the other half of your mates are part of the ten comandments and I dont think that they are the best people to hang around. They are some of the most ruthless killers in all of the demon relm, and I dont want you getting hurt because of them, I know that they will mean a lot to you some day but they are not good people to be around." The white haired beauty was very much upset by his words and he could tell. "Look Astraea I didnt mean that you cant ever meet them but if you do I want all of us sins together first because with how absolutely beautiful you are I can already tell that there will be a war for who will be able to have you." His gentle tone warmed her cheeks and made her feel better. She was still a little hurt but she thought it may be best to listen to what he had to say about the bunch since he was most likely around them at some point.
"So say that you are in a room with all of your mates at the same time what would happen?" He had asked her. "Well, I think it would hurt first off, but I think that if I kiss them it will no longer be visable to them and it would stop burning." "Well do you wanna test it out?" He asked raising his eyebrows repeatedly and smirking. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. She pressed her lips very softly to his and pulled away only after remembering that they need to breathe. Meliodis watched as the Dragon mark that he too bore turned a vibrant blue before vanishing from her soft velvet skin. They both uttered a 'wow' and Astraea softly looked away with a deep blush on her face. He kept looking at her, the realization that she was no longer the small child that he protected and loved, hit him like a blow from Zeldris. She was now a full grown woman, and he had missed almost all of it. I mean for fucks sake she became a Holy Knight!. Granted he thought that she was dead, and didnt know where to look even if she was alive, but still he felt as though he needed to make up for a lot of lost time. Maybe he would draw his search out for the others. He wouldn't though, he knew it was for to selfish for him to do that to the few people that he called friends.
She noticed his far off stare and tried to think about what he was thinking of. "please tell me what you are thinking. You are starting to make me nervous." Astraea said with a soft giggle. It was the same one she had ten years ago. That small sound made Meliodis smile. "I was just thinking of all the stuff we are going to have to do to make up for lost time. Since there is so much. She smiled and thought of all the things that they could do, but she didn't know where they should start. Like he said, there was so much and they just didn't know where to start. I mean she was a whole new person to him. Well mostly, While she was still musch of the same person, at the same time she wasn't. He hated that he really didn't know her anymore. And she hated that she had put him in such agony over those unbearable ten years. He didn't even get to see her funeral. None of them had and she doesnt even know where they are. Or. Even if they are still alive. She knew that some of them were part of a very reckless bunch, and she didn't know if her death would make them spiral into that even more. And in that instance there was one person who instantly came to mind. Ban. He was already reckless caused by his never ending life, pair that with loosing his little pup. She didnt want to continue that thought.
"Does Elizabeth know. That it's me, I mean?" He nodded in response at first. "She does but she is in shock. But can you really blame her. I mean she thought that her little sister died." She softly smiled. "Wait 'til she finds out that I was on the team to protect her and my other sisters. I bet they will be pretty upset." She smiled. But it wasn't a real smile. It was the smile that you would see on someone who was looking back on a fond memory. "Why, why didn't you go back home when you woke up." She looked at him and tilted her head in soft thought. " I dont really know. I think that them already thinking that I was dead was hard enough I didnt want them to think that it was all some kind of sick joke. So I cut and dyed my hair. I stayed away from them as much as I could but there were some times that that was not manageable. In those situations I didnt speak. I knew that Margrette would know my voice and Veronica would recognize the way I used some words, so I thought it best to just stay silent. Thats how I got my nickname. I was called 'Winters Whisper' evey where that I went. I guess it was because all you would hear was the soft sway of my cloak. Other than that, I never made a sound. I distanced myself away from almost everyone. I only interacted with people if I had no other option. They all thought that I was mute, and honestly that was the best. Becasue no one tried to talk to me, I was on my own and I liked it that way. I couldnt hurt anyone again that way." She looked up the golden haired man to gauge his reation, but any emotion was void on his features. " So you were on your own for that whole time because you didnt want to hurt some one again. Astraea, I want you to know that it was not your fault. There was no way to avoid that then years ago. Dont blame yourself for that, do you understand me?" She looked at him with tears welling in her eyes. Those were the kindest words that she had ever heard.
A massive weight was lifted off her shoulders as he pulled her into his chest and softly rubbed her hair. She knew that the journey to find all of the sins would be long and hard but she didn't want to even think about how hard it would be to meet the others. She just hoped that she wouldnt be the main cause for the Holy War to get worse than it already was.

Their Mate
FanfictionThis is going to be a seven deadly sins love story in which little Astraea is mated to not only all of the seven deadly sins but also the ten commandments. The youngest princess of Liones goes on a journey to find not only Elizabeth, her mates and h...