For when she closed her eyes it was the last time she would open them
King Bartra was on his way to wake up his daughters as he always did in the morning but when he was on his way to wake up his youngest daughter, Princess Astraea the most beloved in all of his kingdom, he was met with a horrid sight. It was his darling daughter strung up and pierced to the wall above her small bed. In a cry of rage and anguish all of the guards came in. They all had their suspicions of the sins because of their crimes. They were all called in and questioned. Though the king knew that they would never do such a thing to a person who had such a hold on all of their hearts, his vote was void. When they got there it was the worst thing that they had ever seen. Ban, who was holding the small child in his arms only a few hours ago, was on his knees for now his little kit, was now pinned to the wall with a series of metal hooks and claws. Her blood filled the room and was running down the wall. Even though she was now dead she still had her smile on her face. She was rarely not smiling and this now truly became apparent in her death. As they were taken away for. fleeing for their own safety still they could not get that image out of their eyes. The little princess who was now lost to the world only a few years after she had been born.
The boar hat had moved again but this time it was to pick more Vanya Ale. The best of the best some would say. They stopped before going into the town for a day so that Elizabeth could get some rest. A figure dressed in a very big and black cloak was making her way down to the tavern in hopes of finding some body. Anybody. She really didn't care. She had been training to be a holy night for the past ten years and was on top, Well after Gilthunder. She was the only one of her sisters to be a holy night, though she never had the courage to go back home. She didn't know if she would be allowed to come back home even if she wanted to go back. She had faint memories of this moving tavern but then again so did a lot of other people. They stopped a few miles away from the small town so she took her chance. She burst through the door of the Boar Hat and me the eyes of a small chlid with bright yellow hair. No he wasn't a child, she knew him. She took one step inside the tavern and then she blacked out. The last thing that she saw that day was the face of a man that she thought had died along with her Ten Years Ago.
When she woke up the side of her arm was on fire. Well it felt like that anyway. She took a small scan of the room and saw the golden haired man sitting next to the bed that she was in, he was just watching her. Maybe he was looking after her she didn't know yet. "So, you awake now huh?" "Im sorry, but your very familiar. I feel like I know you." "Must be someone else because the only girl that I have seen died ten years ago, well aside from Elizabeth that is." "Can I ask who it was, from the look on your face she was someone that meant a lot to you." She saw the smaller man nod his head and then he started his story of the girl he once knew. "She was only a small child maybe six or seven. She was the fourth princess of Liones, Astraea, she was murdered the last time that I saw her. My friends and I were blamed for he whole thing. We all loved her more than life itself, we would never do something like that but the only one who believed us was her father. But even his vote was null in the eyes of all who lived near the castle and the world for that matter. Later that night the grandmaster was also killed and again we took the blame. After that my friends split and I am on a journey to find them now."
"What did you say her name was?" She looked again at the man now with wide eyes and a small smile forming. Her suspicions were correct, this is the man she used to know. "Her name was Astraea?" He said now looking at her with curiosity. "Well Meli, I guess you could call me a dead girl walking." she said looking at him smiling. He looked at her with wide eyes and pulled her into his chest. "How. I was there. I saw you just hanging there, you were dead." "I dont know how either but I am here. All I remember was that I felt like I was floating for a very long time and then it felt like it hit the earth at a body shattering pace." I was a pretty far ways from the castle when I came too. I thought it would be better if my father and sisters all kept thinking that I was dead so I never went back to the castle and I have been on on a journey to be a holy night ever since then. When I saw that the boar hat was walking around I thought that I might follow it for some reason only having a vague memory of it. Then you stopped and you know the rest." "How were you able to keep your identity hidden for so long on your own like that. You can't have been much older than six at the latest. I mean you must have had to have some kind of help right." " No actually,I was pretty much on my own entirely. Ban- he tought me small things but only after he made me promise to never use them unless there was no other option."
The strips on the bandages that Elizabeth put on my arms and shoulders was falling off. I didn't catch it in time and the wrap that was covering my shoulder with the dragon mark had fallen down. Meli looked at my withthe widest eyes I had ever seen out of him. "When did that show up I had been around you ever since you were very young and I had never seen them before." "They didn't show up until after I came back to life. There are a lot of them if your couldn't tell." "Nice joke Astraea but I only see the one that is on your shoulder." "Wait really, you dont see any of the others? There are like sixteen of them you have to be kidding right?" " No, I only see one. But wait did you say sixteen of them?!."

Their Mate
FanficThis is going to be a seven deadly sins love story in which little Astraea is mated to not only all of the seven deadly sins but also the ten commandments. The youngest princess of Liones goes on a journey to find not only Elizabeth, her mates and h...