She just hoped that she wouldnt be the main cause for the Holy War to get worse than it already was.Astraea went downstairs to sit with Elizabeth. She saw her sitting at he bar with her back turned to her. She gracefully walked down the stairs and gently put her hand on her shoulder. "Where have you been? How are you even alive?" Elizabeth asked in a hushed voice, she also never made eye contact with her younger sister for she was afraid her stare would shatter her existance once more. " I dont know how I am alive, but I can tell you that I am a holy night." That make Eli look at her sister. "What?" she only nodded. "Winters Whisper, is what they call me." Eli started to cry, how many times had her baby sister stood outside of her door, and she never knew. Meliodis came down after a few minutes but didnt interact with them yet. He knew that they needed their time together.
They probably spent hours talking and catching up with each other. There were many tears and hugs and Meli just looked at his mate. She still had the same nervous ticks, like if there was a tense moment of silence she would perse her lips togther, or how if she was about to cry her eyebrows knitted together. She went dead still when someone in the room was talking or how her pointer finger never stopped tapping the wood top of the bar when she was talking. She always did that, had her finger tapping something when she was talking or thinking hard enough. He was happy to see that those things had not changed yet. While she was sleeping he had gone out to the town and figued out that they had a holy knight come through and cursed their town. After taking care of Mead and pulling the sword out of the ground for the kind ale makers, and the spear being thrown back, he went up to watch after the girl. They were currently on their way to the forest of white dreams. He had a very strong feeling that he was going to meet on of his old friends in there.
Mama hawk came to a stop and the tavern shook a little bit causing the princesses to stumble and fall. Hawk caught Elizabeth and Meliodis caught Astraea, with his face. In her chest. "Nice to see that you didn't get hurt Astraea." She could feel his smirk in her chest. She smiled and pulled him by his shoulders away from her. Thanking him for catching her she turned to walk to the outside of the tavern. She could see the dim and foggy forest. After a while of them traveling though the misty forest she felt a soft grasping from her behind. She looked around her and found the guilty smile of Meli. "Whatcha doin'?" He said with a small smirk. "I could ask the same question captain." She smirked back at him. he removed his hand from her backside and walked up a few steps. She laughed and softly shook her head. She kept walking but in a blink of an eye there are about 10 hawks. Astraea shakes her head and closes her eyes for a few seconds. "There is no way. Why are there so many of you." When she opened her eyes instead of there being a bunch of hawks there were several copies of her. She let out a shriek that instantly caught Meliodis attention.
Meli looked out in to the sea of Astraea's. "Woah" He said under his breath. He knew that the one in the very centre was hid Astraea but he wanted to play with them all for a second or two. "Can you all call my name?" Then there was a chorus of Meliodis' he then told them to give him one spin and a small wave. Astraea was starting to get very tired of his games. "Ok last question. What did I take from you." Then in Astraea's mind it all clicked. He was agrivating her intentionally. "Just give me back my underwear Captain." Astraea said smirking. In a flash all of the other Astraea's were gone. "Well done captain, you do plan ahead. But seriously give them back." She said getting very serious at the end. He laughed but gave them to her none the less.
She quickly put them on and continued walking. She was still wearing the clothes that she had on when she met the captain for she has yet to find a change of clothes that will fit her. And Meli said that the tavern uniform was not for her to wear, though she knew why he didn't want her to wear it. It was very revealing and so he made Elizabeth wear it instead. After a while of following the little hide and seeks they started to see the outline of what looked like a very big girl. As they got closer they saw that it was a giant. Named Diane the same one on the wanted posters in the tavern. Astraea took a few more steps towards her but collapsed as her thigh started to burn to much. Meliodis instantly saw her fall and went to help her back up thinking that she just tripped or something like that. She shook her and told him to continue to Diane. The little hide and seeks woke her up and when she stood she was much taller than Astraea had thought. "Holy knights huh?" She heard her say before grabbing Meliodis. She stared at him for a while before Astraea called his name out.
This seemed to snap her out of her trance. "Captain!" She exclaimed sort of dancing with him. She stopped though when she saw that her snake tattoo was a faint blue. She looked around until she saw the girl on the floor. She had her head down so Diane couldn't see her eyes. And Astraea did that for a reason. She figured that if she saw her eyes it would give her away instantly. However the way that Astraea was sitting Diane could see the top of her tattoo just on the small girl. "Is this her Captain? Did you really find her?" She asked suddenly going stuff as stone. "Actually she kinda found me." He giggled. Diane sat down on her knees, then let the captain go. Astraea walked over to Diane dispite the pain in her leg. "Hello Didi." That nickname made Diane lean back. "The only person that ever called me that died a long time ago. How did you know that?" Astraea looked up to Diane and smiled. "Well she came back ya know." And just like Astraea thought her eyes told Diane exactly who she was. "Astraea?" Her voice nothing higher than a whisper. She nodded her head and crawled into the hand that Diane let fall. She picked her up gently and held her closer to her face, smiling she said. "I never thought that I would see you again." Astraea smiled and leaned to press a soft kiss to the very corner of her lips. Making her mark turn a bright blue before vanishing, just like with Meli's mark. Then she leaned back in her hand and smiled. She had 2 found now there was only 13 more.

Their Mate
FanfictionThis is going to be a seven deadly sins love story in which little Astraea is mated to not only all of the seven deadly sins but also the ten commandments. The youngest princess of Liones goes on a journey to find not only Elizabeth, her mates and h...