Today we were heading to the necropolis, to find anything we could about King. Diane was made the billboard girl, and I was tasked to make food with Ban, while bartending on the side if I was needed.
Ban was walking back to the pantry, or so we all thought. When I went to go and check on him though he was nowhere to be found. I found a small trail that kept going, there was only one man that I knew could leave footsteps that large and far apart.
I followed them, until they led me to him. And a couple kids, and a man on a spear that was shoved into his chest. “What the hell are you doing to him?!” I said running over to him. The mark just above my foot burned and glowed. “King?” I was so confused. Ban looked shocked and Meli was right behind me.
“Oh, hey King.” He said so calmly. After we noticed him, he flew away. The farther away that he got the less that my mark glowed. “There is no way that was him.” “My mark glowed. It had to be him. There is no way that it wasn’t” I said with more conviction than I needed. More than I even wanted to have.
Ban shook his head and he began to walk away. “I need to get to the necropolis.” I looked at him oddly. “Why? What’s waiting for you there?” I asked him. He didn’t turn to look at me, but he just kept walking. I of course followed him, the others following me rather quickly.
“Ban, why are you going there?” He still didn’t answer me. I was about to grab his arm, make him face me, and tell me what he was seeking, but the field around us erupted in flowers and a gentle glow. The next thing that I knew was that we were somewhere else entirely. “The necropolis” I said just above a whisper. Then we saw King. Or at least that’s what my burning mark meant.
I grab onto Ban’s arm and he turns his head to me. He had a sad look on his face, but he didn’t move me. I couldn’t tell why he would have that expression but he kept walking. Like he was looking for something. No, if he was here then he wasn’t looking for something, no, he was looking for someone. I slowly let his arm go, but he didn’t stop or wait for me to catch up.
Someone indeed. “You know you could have just told me who it was.” I called out to him. He stopped. Then he looked at me with a curious face. “Are you sure?” I smiled but shook my head. “If I have multiple, then you can too. I know how to share.” I told him with a gentle laugh.
He smiled warmly at me and waved me over. Before I was able to get to him, there was a sharp bolt that shot through his chest. I was blown back from the impact, but before I crashed into a massive crystal I stopped myself.
When I got my bounds back I looked around for the attacker but the mark on my ankle burned so bad I fell to the floor. I shook my head and tried to get back on my feet. When I looked back up to Ban, he was turning gray. Stone gray.
“No!” I cried out. The attacker looked at me, and it was King. “Why did you do that?!” I yelled out to him. He must have felt the connection and felt my pain. “He knows what he did. He was the one that killed my sister.” He yelled back at me.
I shook my head and I felt my eyes widen. There was no way that could have been true. Ban wasn’t like that. He would have had no reason to. “Why would he? He isn't a murder.” I asked. “No but he was greedy. He wanted nothing more than an immortal life. So he took it, using anything that he needed to to get it.” I shook my head as tears fell down my face.
Then a small orb made its way over to him. To Ban. It.. saved him. It shattered the stone that had encased him, and we were all shocked by this.
I heard a cry that shifted my attention away from the whole scene. I took off running. I instantly thought the worst was happening. Then a crash. I ran harder, the men were calling out to me but I shook them off. I couldn’t handle them right now. I knew that Diane, Meliodis, and Elizabeth were still near that area.
I ran past Hawk and Elizabeth. I turned to look at them but I never once stopped running. Several crashes let me know that I was still going in the right direction. I ran as fast as I could to get me to where I needed to be.
A strange woman, Meli and Diane were fighting. Diane was leaning against a massive crystal, and Meli was talking to her. I knew that she was the assailant. I glared at her but then she spoke up. “Ah. It's Winter. I wondered when your sins would give her back to us.” I sigh. “Hello Guila.” I knew what she was capable of. Explosions. “I must say you are very beautiful. I have never seen your face before.” I shook my head and glared.
“I’m glad it will be the last thing you ever see.” I said. She was never able to beat me when it came to our training. I smirked at her. Then I rushed her. She knew I was coming but still, I was much stronger than she was. Then she would ever be.
“Winters Howl!” I shout. Only I wasn’t aiming for her, but her rapier. It froze solid instantly and with one swift kick it shattered. She shrieked and jumped back from me. Ban made his way over soon after and I smiled faintly, to at least let him know I wasn't totally pissed. Even if I was.

Their Mate
FanfictionThis is going to be a seven deadly sins love story in which little Astraea is mated to not only all of the seven deadly sins but also the ten commandments. The youngest princess of Liones goes on a journey to find not only Elizabeth, her mates and h...