New York, New York pt.3

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(warning, I time skip a lot in this one lol and I went rapid fire on this one)

After con, we all start doing charades in cosplay. Arny and I get paired for "pegging" and boy do we get someone to answer that one fast. I couldn't stop laughing but I managed to pretend to peg Arny! The truest achievement is getting someone to guess pegging within a minute! We both do a little bow as we sit to guess for the next two people.

We film charades for a good hour or so until we all are tired and just sit on the floor on our phones. "I don't know about you guys, but I wanna get out of this cosplay fast... so who wants to help me quickly take some pictures on the roof so I can post them on Instagram?"

Arny stands up before anyone can offer, "let's go, bunny." And just starts walking about.

I look at the boys confused but shrug and get up real fast. "You just can't tease me for any poses I do. I already feel like an idiot taking pictures." He's hard to follow but I manage to keep up!

Once we're on the roof, I can feel the nice little warm breeze from right after sunset hit my face.

"Okay, gimme your phone." He holds his hand out for it, giving me a little smile... it's almost a smirk but I'll let it slide since he's trying. I toss him my phone and get situated to pose as Mina.

We both spend a good twenty minutes taking pictures, eventually just messing around and making each other laugh. He "secretly" takes a few pictures of me just laughing, but I can hear the little camera shutter sound. "You have such a cute laugh," he suddenly says out of no where.

I feel my heart stop and the little flutter in my stomach... but this somehow annoys me. Why does he do this? He's all mean and rude when others are around but then when it's just us he's so chill and sweet?! He did it the few times we'd hang out before the con too... maybe I should ask. I decide to ask, my voice coming out soft and weak, "why do you do that?"

He doesn't hear me very well so he leans closer, "what did you say? I couldn't hear."

I take a deep breath and say it louder, hugging myself a little and looking at the ground... really feeling like I'm spoiling the nice moment he's showing, "why do you do that?"

"Do what?" He gives me a little smile but I can barely see because I'm just trying to not look at him right now.

"You'll be such an ass for the whole day, you'll just poke at me and sometimes just straight up make me feel bad about being around... and then you say something sweet like that." I didn't realize how much I was feeling from this hot and cold type back and forth from him because I start crying a little with my head down.

"I... um..." He, for once since I've known him, struggles with what to answer. I feel the lump in my throat and regret even asking.

"Sorry, that was random to ask..." I just start to walk away quickly, trying to get to my room.

But I feel a hand on my wrist, he's not grabbing me hard and I could definitely easily continue to leave if I wanted to, but I stay in place. His hand is so soft and warm and honestly I can feel my cheeks heat up a little, even with a tear or two slipping down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n... I don't mean to make you feel unwelcome... specifically around all of us..." I don't look at his face but he sounds serious and genuine...

I take a deep breath, gently take my hand from his, and say rather bluntly, "well you do. And it fucking sucks." And just leave Arny on the roof of the hotel as I go to my room... letting myself cry in the bathtub as I start roughly rubbing off the body paint.

This fucking sucks. He sucks! Why does he have to be such a massive asshole and then turn around and be so sweet and caring and UGH! This is why I don't deal with men... then the intrusive thoughts about hugging him and kissing him and just being with him all flood in... but he does care and I understand people who are mean to the people they like... not like like, just ya know, friendship... maybe that's just what it is and we're both just putting up walls... I know I am. I'll just ask him about it some other time. I want to know why. I need to know why I'm so horribly easy to make upset.

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