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Raijin POV:
I ran out of the dorm as soon as possible when I heard that bat dad was cooking. I was obviously hungry so I had to go to the cafeteria.

On the way there someone crashed into me and made me fall down. I heard them say sorry so many goddamn times that I thought they would never stop.

They lended me their hand and I was about to take it when I felt pain surging through my body. It was seemingly from my arm. I must have fallen on it when they crashed onto me then.

The person had realised what they have done to my hand and apologise even more. Geez kid stop apologising. They walked with me to the infirmary where many other people were. I could help but see Green boy there with a cast around his leg.

The nurse had examined my arm and just place me down for a bit to get it treated. I would have to leave soon though because of the mass amount of people.

I could either heal my arm later before the tournament or leave it as it is. I decide later. I then examined the room there was various different students around but no savanaclaw. Maybe they was being more causious then others.

There seemed to be a thin layer of magic around everyone who was targeted. Maybe this was on purpose?I can't be bothered today.

The nurse came back after a bit and put my arm in a sling. I can deal with this I guess. She then told me what to do and gave me pain killers to relieve the pain if it starts acting up. Then kicked me out of the Infirmary. Yay...

I look at a clock and find it is nearly the start of lesson now. Great I'm ingured, hungry and have to go to lesson. Great just great...

I apologised to the teacher for my tardiness and sat down in my seat. The lessons was all fine apart from PE. Of course my favourite lesson was the one I had to miss. Stupid ingury. However the rest of my classmates seemed fine about this outcome maybe even ecstatic.

I had basketball club today! And I was but as temporary manager! So I had to make sure everyone was there and point out their mistakes.

Eel (Floyd) was obviously the only one who was here yet and I was sent to go find him. Though when I found him, I didn't to find them in this situation. Yes them it seemed like a fight broke out... Again...

"Uwah, they’re chasing after us!" blue twat screeched.

"Hey, wait up~" Eel snickered.

"As if we’d wait just because you said so! Everybody, retreat!" queeny yelled.

"Ah, they ran away~" Eel said in a depressing tone.

"Fufufu, what a fun game of tag that was." mushroom (Jade) said, "Oh, my. Floyd, it is about time we returned to help out with the Lounge. Let us play with them more next time."

"Okay~" Eel replied.

"Oh no you don't." I said in a monotone voice.

"Ah~ Orca-chan what are you doing here?" Eel asked.

"We have club now so no escaping today."

"Oh~ you're no fun Orca-chan. There is no one to play with today since you are ingured. And there are no 1st years yet that have joined so I can't play with them." Eel said.

"Floyd I believe that Raijin here has adventured far to find you. You should go with him as it is polite." Mushroom said.

"Yea but it is boring without someone to play with." Eel complained.

It seemed like we were wasting time on this and was getting no where. So I grabbed Eel with my free hand and dragged him to the sports hall. Eel waved to his brother as we disappeared into the distance.

"Goddammit!? Eel pull your own weight!?"

"You could have just asked." Eel replied.

"Then hurry up and get changed."

Eel leaves to the changing rooms as I enter the hall. I could see that everyone was doing stretches waiting for the last player to arrive. I'm definitely healing this arm before the tournament happens...

After that hell of instructing, I head back to the Dormitory. Dragon was there to greet me as he saw the state of my arm.

"Don't worry about it, I'll heal it later before the tournament actually starts. By the way this culprit seemed to be using magic to injure others."

Dragon ndded and left me alone to go to bed. I cleaned myself up a bit though my arm did sting quite a lot. I use magic to start healing my arm bit by bit as it is painful. When I believed that it was enough for today I wrapped my arm up and place it back in it's sling.

I saw it was pretty early so I decided to finish all the homework I have due before bat dad gets mad at me for staying up late...again...

I managed to finish most of my work load in a presentable format so it wasn't all scribbles. Lilia then bursted open my door and ran over to me.

"Are you alright!?" Bat dad yelled into my ears.

"I was fine until you decided to shout in my ear!"

"Oh right... My bad!" Bat dad apologised, "I heard what happened to your arm from Malleus. Did you heal it already?"

"I would say it is pretty solid for now but I will probably have to heal it some more tomorrow."

"I see by the way some people are investing the 'crime scene' so you should tell them if you want." Bat dad told me.

"Who are they?"

"Who you refer to as the twats." Bat dad responded.

"Of course it is...I guess I will tell them and they would most likely be forcing me to join in these shenanigans."

"Now go to sleep!" Lilia shouted.

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