Guidance - Chapter Four.

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I think stuff starts to get a bit more interesting in this chapter. Let me know what you think, I'd really like some feedback!


 Kat gripped my hand and drew her face in to mine, attempting to muffle her giggles. It felt like I was 13 years old again, on the brink of getting caught making out for the first time. The whole situation was making me giddy. Drawing my finger to my lips, I mimed at her to be quiet, whilst giggling myself. I kissed her quickly on the lips before scrambling out of bed, in a bid to catch Emily in the hall before she came to look for me in my room.

As I got to my bedroom door, I reached out to the handle to steady myself when I heard a male voice. There was a lot of stumbling around, it sounded like Emily was drunk. I paused with my ear cocked towards the door, when Kat came up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. I welcomed her closeness, and whispered to her that I thought Emily had a guy round. She nuzzled into my neck as I listened more intently.

“Emily, Emily. Woah! Emily, steady,” I heard the mystery male voice say.

“I need to see my Alex,’ she replied. I smiled at that, I liked that we were such good friends.

“I think she’s probably asleep, it’s late,” the man said.

“No, no. I need to see her. I need to talk to her,” she insisted.

“Look, you’ve been talking about this Alex girl all night. Why did you invite me back here if we weren’t gonna… y’know…” he said, suggestively, “I know what girls like you want to get up to. You’re not the first girl I’ve picked up in a bar.” Behind me, I registered in the back of my mind that Kat was stiffening a little.

“I…” she paused to hiccup, “am not that kind of girl!” she said, outraged. “I asked you to walk me home because I was scared of the dark… you have a wife! I have a boyfriend!” My face was pressed up against the cool, hard wood of the door trying to get a better listen, and Kat was squeezing my hand seemingly subconsciously.

“Well, babe, there’s no point in me hanging around,” he said, it sounded as though he was heading for the door, “girls from the bar are good for one thing, and chatting about your flatmate all evening doesn’t quite cut it.”

I frowned in confusion. Emily had been talking about me all night? At that point, I heard a loud clapping sound followed by some obscenities, which I quickly gathered meant that Emily had slapped him.

“You crazy fucking bitch, you’re gonna regret that,” I heard him threaten, at which point I burst out of the door, with Kat coming out behind me. I caught him with a fist raised at her.

“Hey! You jerk, don’t you dare lay a finger on her. She told you she has a boyfriend, why don’t you go home?” I said, in my most menacing voice. I drew myself up as tall as I could to try and be a bit more intimidating, which didn’t really help as he was ridiculously tall, at least six foot three.

“Oh look, I bet you’re the infamous Alex-- Kat? What are you doing here?” he asked, sounding panicked. Kat quickly dropped my hand from her grasp.

“Mark?! What the-- why are you here? I don’t understand? Why were you saying those things to that girl?” she asked. Oh shit.

I looked at Emily, who was backed into a corner looking like a wild animal caught in the spotlights. I shot her a confused and concerned look, before turning my attention back to the drama unfolding before my eyes. Mark was gawping at Kat, his mouth opening and shutting like a goldfish.

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