Guidance - Chapter Six.

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I stared at the screen in front of me, dumbfounded.

“I'm never going to work up the courage to tell her how I feel, and now the chance is gone.”

This was it? It explained why Emily had gone a little insane recently. Assuming that she was talking about me, it helped to clear a few things up.

Like the night I got so drunk she had to carry me home, and she stayed in my bed holding me close all night.

Or the numerous times Rob and I broke up, and we walked around the park for hours and hours until it got so dark and cold that the stars came out and our teeth started chattering as she reassured me for the umpteenth time that everything would be fine with her hand locked in mine.

The countless occasions I fretted and panicked over how I looked before going out, and she poured out with adoration and compliments.

The starts of serious conversations, all of which avoided fruition and instead developed into her insisting it was nothing and the further masking of feelings.

The late nights, the long talks, the lingering touches, the fond glances, the warm embraces, the unwavering loyalty, the sheer desperation in her closeness that I had never taken the time to appreciate, or to notice, or to acknowledge.

It was coming together, like a patchwork quilt of proof etching itself into my mind.

I don’t think, not for years and years to come, I will ever forget the way I felt when all these dormant thoughts, thoughts I never even knew I had, battled and struggled to the forefront of my mind. It knocked me in ways I never knew I could be affected, least of all by my sweet, unassuming best friend.

The next two major problems I faced, to add to the growing pile, was whether or not to approach her about it, and how I felt about her.

There was no time to think about it now; I was going to be late. I refused to repeat last night’s hasty hair washing if this was my first proper ‘date’ with Kat. It was the furthest thing from my mind at the moment, but I knew I’d regret not giving myself enough time later.

Author’s note:

Hello! Sorry to anyone who’s been waiting, I liked it that some people were so curious that they typed out all the numbers to find out what they said! I know this was really short and I apologise! But I’m just getting back into the swing of writing after about 4 weeks of working solidly. Stupid jobs getting in the way of things! Comment me your feedback :)

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