[-] Resting

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the 'slow update' on the title mean nothing.. somehow I always update at least once a week or two weeks. anyway.. I still continued this, because I have a disease of 'bored and don't know what to do', so I keep write this everyday. though the update is like, week after that?

anyway, still, I, maybe, will be a bit not update.. like, maybe, one month just once or twice.

why? seriously dude, I'm in my last years so I have exams everyweeks. 

not that hard though.. 

I mean, I'm a child, man.


Disclaimer: not a reaction chapter. this will be boring, I swear. but just read if you want.

"already calmed down?" he glance at the elders and lift his arm. the elders disappear without any memory in here.



"all of you guys is funny!" Luffy laugh carelessly at them, earning a few glares towards him.

"the sea sure is mystery.... " Usopp sobbing with his knees and palms on the ground while he crying crocodilely.

"I'm not really understand anything..." said Chopper looking a bit fine than the others. hell, even Zoro and Sanji have a still shocked face.

"that Strawhat-ya.."

"tch, Strawhat. Is he the main character or what?!" shout-whisper Kid that just heard by his crew.

"BUAHAHAHAHA!! that's surprising! I don't understand anything. BUAHAHAHA!" Garp just eating his rice crackers after having a more short time shock than the others.

"uhh... I have a headache.." Sengoku held his head with his arms and closing his eyes in frustrated.

"ara-ara, that's sure is surprising..."

"hee~ kowai na, Mugiwara.."

"We have to eliminated him, right now!" said the red dog of marines.

well, though his yells not being heard by the marines because they are still shocked and confused.

"Strawhat..." Smoker puff a smoke out of his mouth. seriously, I still asking how people don't have cancer from smoking so much, especially this white haired hot man.

"..." Tashigi is silence while he get supported by Smoker's arm because a while ago, she nearly fell from shock.

Shanks have his jaw drop, not much but still. seconds after that, he have a small grin on his face that make a certain first-mate Benny raised an eyebrow noticing this. he remembered that they stole the fruit from a ship because Shanks said so. but he don't know anything else beside the fruit name is gomu-gomu no mi and have a rubber power.

"L-Luffy-senpai!!" a green haired man with a cocky hair yelled with a star on his eyes. Bartolomeo sutter seeing the future Luffy giving a smile back to him.

"yo, Crest-head! you're here too I see! Shishishishi!!"

Bartolomeo suddenly struck like a lighting hit his body. he fell on his knees and crying,

"Luffy-senpai just great me! I'm grateful I was born!" says him that Luffy just smiled at that, not knowing why his behavior like that since he first met him.

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