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Rylan shook Rayla awake, she had fallen asleep in her seat. She had needed sleep, and he had taken control of the plane. She roused herself as he lowered the plane. The treadmill rotated and they entered the cave. A disguised door closed and a curtain pulled across it. Rylan jumped out, grabbing both his and Rayla's bags. He walked over to the island, pulling the curtain closed behind Rayla, who had groggily stepped out of the jet. It snapped shut with magnets. He set the bags on the island and started putting stuff away. Rayla seated herself on a chair near a TV. Plugging the cord into the TV her memory bank appeared on the screen. She pressed on the files she wanted and opened her video files. She scrolled rapidly through it until she reached the part she wanted. The man entered the room, Rylan cringed, he set down his bag and moved to the computer. Kasto pulled out a file and Rayla zoomed in on it. Rayla now scanned it in to make it a page.

Rayla started the video once more, flipping through it to the point where she had the top secret files. She scanned each one of them in as a page. She pulled them up as a hologram and sent them in between her and Rylan, he was now sitting across from her.

Tyla, can you get us some dinner and hot chocolate?


They started reading the pages of text, but nothing interesting was there. Soon they heard a clatter, and Rylan walked over to a recycled candy dispenser. In the holder there were two plates of beef and broccoli. He closed and opened it again and two empty coffee cups were sitting there. He lifted it all and placed half of it in front of Rayla on a side table. She nodded her thanks and placed her cup on its holder. A small trickling sound emulated from the cup. It was automatically filled and Rayla lifted it to her lips. She swiped the Take 2 papers to the side and pulled up a new one. The file Kasto had pulled. It had diagrams of the earth and a large pit in all of them. The pit must be an ocean trench or something. She almost spat her hot chocolate out when she saw a title in the top corner of it. Rylan stopped chewing, his mouth full of food.

We can't be quite sure, it is hand scrawled. But this gets more complex as we go on.

Rayla nodded and finished her cup and started eating. Once she finished they powered off the computers and went to bed.

Bright and early they were banging on the door of C9. Rylan pushed his eye to the peephole. Surprising the alarmed and sleeping watchmen. The door was opened only when Davis arrived. They saw a whole battalion of warriors walking embarrassedly away. The RRs laughed watching them,

"Davis, you called an entire battalion because your sleeping watchman saw my eye? I mean really!" Davis flushed and ignored him. They arrived at his office and entered. They took seats Davis folded his hands on the desk and waited.

"Okay, business. We want our payment and you want our papers, so you will hand over the meteor dust and then we will give the information to you." He smiled knowing he would object.

"Surely you don't mean that! We don't even know that you have the papers we need, much less ready to hand over meteor dust to you."

"Okay Mr. Davis, unless you are ready to hand over five pounds of dust then that is all we have to discuss. After all, you did not invite us over for tea, how rude."

Tyla, do not let him lock any doors from his desk.

As they stood and walked to the door, Davis pressed a button on his desk to lock the door. But when the RRs walked close to it, the door still opened. Davis stood open mouthed, astounded as he pressed the lock button over and over, but nothing happened. Rayla looked back, opened her visor and winked at him, laughing. They were half way down the hallway when Davis yelled for his guards to stop them. When the two guards were directly behind them they turned in unison and each grabbed the guards pointed pike. Flipping over the heads they pulled the hands behind their backs and handcuffed them to the floor. The RRs continued walking down the hallway till Davis caught up with them and begged them to come back.

"Hand over the dust and we don't even have to go back to the office."

"Okay i'll give it to you first." They headed back to the office and both handed over the wanted substances.

Entering the room the chairs once again were placed and they all sat. Rayla pressed a button on her wrist and they heard the people who were handcuffed to the floor scramble to their feet. Rylan produced a file from his backpack, but kept it out of sight. Rayla held out her hand and Davis reluctantly dropped a large bag of dust into her hand. She opened the bag and peered in. Placing a small device near the side she saw on her visor a spot of red appeared from in the bag...metal. SHe shoved her hand in quickly and thunked the tracker on the desk. Glaring at Davis she growled, he shrugged apologetically,

"I am simply trying to do the best thing I can for my people," He turned to Rylan, "Hand over the files. You better hope they show no sign of being opened."

"Okay, okay... We heard the instructions! Here you go," He handed a yellow file to the man and stood. Davis opened the file and glanced inside. He handed it to one of his bodyguards who had entered from the hallway. Rayla and Rylan turned and began walking away. They sensed Davis motioning to the guards so they turned, in time to see secret doors opening and ten warriors emerge. They glanced at each other and sighed. Both ducking they worked in unison. Like a symmetrical dance they leapt over the next and came down on outstretched arms. Ramming their shoulders into another one they slammed him inbetween their backs. They lifted their feet and kicked two more in the stomach. Separating they wrapped their arms around their opponent's neck and snapped their heads back, using their elbows planted on foreheads as leverage.

The last one turned and ran leaving Davis standing like a fish behind his desk once more. They shook their heads in disappointment again and he said once more,

"I just do what is best for my people, and it was in my best interest to keep you and get your technology." Rayla stepped forward,

"We have decided you might need us again, we rarely do this so feel special. We might not answer, but if you press this button it will alert us that you need help. We might come, if we are not engaged." She placed a USB drive sized black box on his desk, "Remember, this is no guarantee." They once again turned and walked off, but this time they made it all the way out. C9 followed them with cameras, but they went blank and when they started up again the RRs were long gone.

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