Chapter 2

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Vagary (n.)

– An unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour.


The house was different from what she had remembered, the mid-afternoon sun hit its peak over it making it seem almost as though it was shimmering. Dark yellow paint was now coating the once grey and bleak exterior.

White flowers that grew from vines clung to the windows and a huge wreath was placed on the white door that had a welcome mat in front of it that read: 'We are covered, Pslam 91.'

Evelina looked at the remaining houses on the street as Bea knocked politely. The rest of the houses were the exact same, the cars looked different and she was sure that a little boy she once recognised from down the street was now a teenager as he raced down on his electric scooter, shooting her a confused glance.

"Seem familiar?" Bea asked stepping back from the door and looking towards the porch swing that had an opened bible on it.

"The house is different, very different," Evelina said her eyes focused on the shadow that moved behind the glass window pane.

The door opened and a tall dark-skinned woman stood behind it with a large smile on her face that reached up to her greying hair. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown that hardened once she set eyes on Evelina.

"No," she said immediately going to shut the door, but Bea's palm held it open a subtle smirk on her face as the woman frowned.

"Mrs Yvette Carter?" Bea said extending her hand out, "I'm Dr Beatrice Sutherland it's lovely to meet you. You recognise this woman with me as your stepdaughter correct?"

Yvette nodded her eyes narrowing on the aforementioned stepdaughter who was staring at her in shock.

"I don't want to hear anything from you, you-" Yvette seemed to struggle for her words as she stepped back "You Jezebel."

Evelina stepped forward at the same time, her hands shaking as she stared at the frail aged woman in front of her, holding her between her arms. Had six years really been that long? They stared at each other before Yvette looked at Bea in alarm.

"Are you sick?" Evelina started "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What are you doing here?" Yvette said looking back towards her stepdaughter " I specifically said that I wouldn't see you any more if you continued to-"

"Hey Mrs C, who was at the door-" a voice cut her off. The three women turned to the other woman who had joined them in the corridor. She had a short black mop of curly hair that framed her plump face and she towered over Eveline, her brown eyes cautious as she gaged their interaction.

"Evelina?" she said almost as if she couldn't believe it, she turned and shouted immediately into the house in warning, "Tremaine! It's Evelina she's back!"

Evelina's eyebrows raised at the commotion of a door slamming open somewhere in the house as she heard footsteps running towards them.

"Who are you?" she said confrontationally,

"Who am I?" the girl scoffed, folding her arms against herself "You really have the nerve don't you."

"I hate to interrupt." Bea said a smile on her face, flashing her ID "I'm Dr Beatrice Sutherland, I work in a woman's health clinic in Los Angeles. I'm accompanying Ms Carter here as she goes through her recovery."

"Recovery?" Yvette questioned, her eyes squinting at the small plastic card Bea held up, "What is she talking about? This better not be another one of your schemes."

Tremaine entered just then his eyes set harshly on Evelina as he distanced his mother from her.

"We don't want any trouble alright, so leave," he said calmly. She stared at her elder brother he looked so much older and mature. She noticed the silver wedding band on his finger and her eyes flickered between him and the unnamed woman.

"You got married?" she said in disbelief, Tremaine was not one for relationships and shied away from commitment. The act was so small but she had remembered a time when he told her never to get married and that people would only marry them for their money.

"Is this a joke?" Tremaine said looking between Evelina and Bea.

"Is she your wife?" Evelina said smiling softly at the woman who was frowning at her "That makes sense."

Bea cleared her throat, extending her arm to Tremaine as Evelina looked on at her family.

"Like I was saying, Dr Bea Sutherland, I work in a woman's health clinic, I'm a friend but I'm also helping Evelina in her recovery." Bea sighed looking to Evelina who began venturing around the corridor noticing the small changes that had been made "Evelina was in an accident of sorts, she was found at the side of the road in Oakland California. The hospital noticed that she had been badly beaten; brain swelling, fractured bones, broken ribs, lacerations, bruised lungs and-"

Bea faltered as Evelina's head turned back to hers and she stood at the other end of the corridor.

"I was raped," she said in a whisper, but the words travelled and she saw as her family winced. 

"She also suffers from dissociative amnesia." Bea continued "Whatever happened to her was traumatic and her mind has forced her to forget it and all the events leading up to it. She was found with a piece of paper detailing her name and age but once she gained consciousness all she could remember was the date that placed her six years in the past."

Evelina Jade, twenty-four, Oakland California.

"The last thing I remember was..." Evelina started looking up at their faces as she stuttered "...was leaving here, I didn't want to be a burden. I just thought that it was time to leave."

Yvette's confusion quickly morphed to sadness then again to anger.

"I'm going to kill him! Have him arrested!" she began to shout but Tremaine held her gently shushing her. "I warned you! I told you he's evil scum!"

"Him?" Bea questioned as images of a blonde-haired man struck Evelina and the hairs on the back of her neck raised.

"I know you're awake cucciola!"  his dark voice whispered as he towered over her shivering frame.

Evelina didn't move. Usually, he wouldn't seem to care, he'd save his torture for later, but he knelt closer to her his cold finger running down her cheek and his hot breath fanning her face. 

She shut her eyes tighter letting out a whimper as her teeth began to chatter again. She tried to move away from his touch but the pain in her side was searing.

"Please, stop."

"What was that?" the voice taunted the finger against her cheek turning into a nail "You know how I love it when you beg."

"What's happening?" Tremaine's worried voice broke through the dream as Evelina found herself hyperventilating on the floor.

"She's having a panic attack, it's alright. Just give her some room, move back please Mrs Carter."

"I'll get her some water."

Evelina Jade, twenty-four, Oakland California.

"Evelina, it's Bea. You're safe. If it's too much we can go back to the hotel. Open your eyes for me, assess the situation." the gentle voice said and Evelina shook her head as her breathing steadied, the voice continued to encourage her "It's alright take your time. You're safe, you're in control."

Evelina Jade, twenty-four, Oakland California.

"I want to go home." Evelina found herself whispering, "Please."

"That's fine, we'll go home." Bea confirmed squeezing her hand "You're in control."

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