Mesut Özil [~] World Cup Woes

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You sat watching the World Cup final from Germany.  You wanted to be in Brazil to root on your husband, Mesut, but something a little unexpected  happened. You were currently eight months pregnant with your and Mesut's first child and were told not to travel, especially all the way to Brazil. You watched nervously as the game entered extra time. You had taken to biting your nails when the games came down to the wire, luckily that hadn't happened often for the Germans. Yet, you couldn't help but be nervous that they would not return champions. There was no doubt in your mind that they were the best in the world, you just didn't know if one game was enough to prove it. Mesut was doing great as usual but you hoped someone would just score. Then, Mario Götze chested a ball and kicked the ball, scoring a perfect goal. You screamed with joy and raised your hands to the sky. You would have gotten up and cheered but your current condition didn't make it easy to get off the couch in one swift motion.

You watched the remainder of the game cautiously. The final whistle blew and you clapped and cheered happily. Mesut was a world champion! You smiled as the camera focused on Mesut, the huge smile on his face was infectious. Looking at the clock, you yawned, noticing how late it was. You pulled off your Özil jersey, placing it on the bed you and Mesut share. After taking a shower, you were about to go to bed when your phone rang. You smiled, looking at the caller id.

"Hey, world cup champion."

"Hello (y/n)!!!!!" the whole German national team yelled in the background. You giggled lightly.

"Correction, hello world cup champions." The guys left and Mesut had the phone to himself.

"How are you, how's the baby?" Mesut asked over the phone.

"We're good, the baby won't stop moving, he misses his daddy too much," you replied, rubbing your swollen belly.

"I miss you and our baby, so so much," Mesut sighed. You smiled at the sound of his voice, trying to fight the building yawn.

"I am so proud of you guys, you all worked so hard," you replied, yawning at the end.

"You're tired, go to bed, sweetheart," Mesut said on the other side of the phone.

"But," you yawned deeply, "alright I'll go to bed," you yawned again.

"I love you," Mesut said, you could hear the smile in his voice.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." You smiled and waited a second before hanging up the phone. Yawning, you sat down on your bed and fell asleep to the sounds of fireworks in the distance. The next morning you woke up to the smell of freshly made pancakes. Walking downstairs, you saw your husband in front of the oven, a bowl of pancake mix next to him.

"What are you doing home so early, I thought you guys wouldn't be back until tonight?" you asked, hugging your husband whom you hadn't seen in about a month.

"We all agreed that we wanted to go home, so we left Brazil late last night," he stated, kissing your nose.

You scrunched your nose in annoyance, which always made Mesut smile. You both shared a late breakfast before just lounging around for the rest of the day, just talking and cuddling. Mesut had gotten about a month off of training and Arsenal's season was yet to start. You spent most of the time preparing for the arrival of your child. Because you and Mesut were both busy in life and he had been away in Brazil for the last month, the nursery was far from being finished.

As you hung up some mini footballs around the room, a slight pain entered your lower abdomen. You let out a sharp breath as you rubbed your bulging belly. Mesut was downstairs, looking for some spare nails. You waddled to the bathroom and stood in the reflection of the mirror, looking at your belly questioningly. Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in your lower abdomen and a warm liquid ran down your leg. Looking down, the clear liquid pooled around your feet.

You groaned loudly as the pain returned. Mesut's loud footsteps echoed in the house and his worried face appeared in the door way of the bathroom. "The baby's coming," you gasped, holding your stomach painfully. Mesut seemed calm, though on the inside you were sure he was panicking. Mesut rushed you to the hospital, trying to calm you as you screamed in pain. You pulled into the hospital, Mesut almost dragging you into the waiting room. After sitting you in a chair, he quickly asked the nurse at the desk for a room. Five minutes later you were wheeled into the maternity wing. You each called your families and close friends. You sighed as another contraction hit, holding onto Mesut's hand tightly. He whispered soft words in your ear as a knock sounded at the door. Mesut got up and walked to the door, opening it. A nurse came in. After checking you over, the nurse smiled and informed you that you were fully dilated, meaning it was baby time.

After a long six hours, your son had arrived. You screamed, squeezing the life out of Mesut's hand as the shrill cry of a baby entered the room. The doctor handed Mesut a pair of scissors to cut the cord with before handing the baby to you. You chocked back tears of joy. The nurse took your baby to clean him. You and Mesut shared a joy-filled glance at each other. He kissed your head, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

"We're parents," Mesut smiled, happiness clear on his face.

"Does the daddy want to hold his little man," the nurse asked, holding the fussing baby in blue, your son. Mesut nodded and let the nurse place your newborn into his strong arms. Mesut smiled, looking down at your child, sitting on the hospital bed you were laying in.

"Hey buddy, I'm your dad, and this is your mom. We've been waiting for you for a long time," Mesut said to the infant, whose eyes were closed shut. Even only a few moments after his birth, you could tell the baby resembled Mesut greatly. "What are we going to name him?" Mesut asked me.

"I was thinking something along the lines of (Y/S/N) Mesut Özil," you smiled, rubbing your son's head. Mesut agreed and you both signed a bunch of forms. The nurse took pictures of your little family. Mesut posted one to Facebook, which of course did not show your son's face. You both agreed to not show your son to the world just yet. A mountain of congratulations filled up twitter as the three of you dozed off in your hospital room, enjoying the peace and quiet of the moment.

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