Gerard Piqué (Part 2) [~] Leo's Sister

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Gerard Piqué

For freemodell2001:

After your night of dancing with Gerard, your brother had practically forbid the two of you from hanging out. Lucky for you, your brother was always busy and it was easy to sneak out with Gerard. In between your volleyball matches and Barcelona's schedule, you found yourself spending more and more time around Gerard, not that you minded it at all.

It was all casual flirting until the night he kissed you. One thing led to another and now here you were, dating Gerard Piqué for a solid eight months now. And you still hadn't told Leo yet, which you knew you had to fix quickly before he found out from someone else and blew a gasket. You had invited Leo and Antonella to your apartment in Barcelona for dinner. You hadn't mentioned that Gerard would be joining you to Leo, but had told Antonella, hoping that she would calm your brother down.

Smoothing out your dress, you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist. Smiling, you looked up and locked eyes with your boyfriend. "You know you look beautiful tonight in this dress, but between me and you I think it would look best on the floor tonight," Gerard winked, causing you to roll your eyes at him.

"Depends on how helpful you are," you replied, stepping up onto a chair so that you could grab the proper plates and such for tonight. Gerard took them from you and set them on the table. "Why do you have to be so tall?" you whined, still being shorter than your boyfriend even with the stool giving you extra height. Gerard chuckled and pressed a kiss to your lips. You hopped down and the two of you got to work setting up the table and setting out the food.

You heard the doorbell ring and you pushed Gerard towards the other room, where he would hide until you came to get him. Smoothing out your dress once more, you walked to the door and opened it, revealing your brother and sister-in-law. "Leo! Anto! Come in!" you greeted, hugging them both before leading the way into your home. "How are my nephews?"

"They're good. I'm glad that we have some time away from them now though, they can be a bit of a handful," Antonella chuckled, walking over to the table. "This food looks delicious, did you make it?"

"If she did, it wouldn't look edible," Leo teased, nudging you jokingly.

"Oh please, my cooking is not that bad," you said, "there was just that one time where I forgot some ingredients and it didn't taste that good."

"I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for a week," Leo complained, causing the three of you to laugh. Antonella and Leo took their seats as you went to grab drinks. When you returned, Leo looked at you questioningly, "Why are there four plates set out?"

"I invited someone I want you to meet," you stated, hoping Leo understood what you were talking about.

"Who? One of your new teammates or a friend?"

"More like a boyfriend," you smiled, hoping Leo would smile too. He didn't. He had always been protective over you, especially with the upbringing that the two of you had experienced together. But, you were a grown woman now and you hoped your brother could respect your decisions at this point. "I think you'll get along just fine with him."

"Sure I will," Leo rolled his eyes. "Well, where is he? Let's get this over with."

"Don't sound so excited," I huffed. "I'll go get him." Walking out of the room, you walked into your room, where Gerard was sitting on the bed, waiting patiently. "You ready?" Gerard nodded and got up. Grabbing a hold of your hand, the two of you intertwined your fingers before walking out into the dining room. "This is my boyfriend," you introduced, causing Leo and Antonella to look up from their conversation.

Leo's gaze locked on Gerard's tall form before he stood up quickly. "Him! You're dating him!" he shouted, pointing at Gerard distastefully.

"Yes," you stated, feeling Gerard's arm wrap around your waist. "We've been dating for eight months now." You could swear that you saw steam blowing out of Leo's ears.

"Eight months?!?! So that girl you were running around with but never brought to any games was my sister!?!" Leo asked Gerard. "And I told you that teammates were off limits!" he told you.

"Look Leo, they're in love," Antonella told her husband, tugging on his sleeve. "You don't want to be the person to wreck their happiness, do you?" Leo ran a hand through his hair, thinking things over in his head, muttering a couple things to himself.

"Fine," he finally grunted out. You smiled, running forward to hug your brother.

"See that wasn't too hard," you told him. He gave you a pointed look before turning to look at Gerard.

"And you, don't think that this means that you're in the clear. You hurt her in any way, shape, or form, if I see one tear on her cheek and you're the cause, you're dead. Understand?" Leo growled.

"Crystal clear," Gerard smiled. After Leo gave his blessing, your relationship with Gerard grew with every day. Two years since Leo had given his blessing, you found yourself married and six months pregnant with twin Piqué's residing within your womb. Allowing your husband to help you out of the car, you smiled up at your brother's house. It was a celebration for Barcelona's outstanding season, and despite Gerard's worrying about your health the two of you were attending.

"Careful, careful," Gerard told you, as you stepped out of the car. Placing a hand on your back, you straightened up and rolled your eyes at your husband.

"I'll be fine, Geri," you replied, resting a hand on your swollen stomach. "I'm just pregnant, I'm not crippled or anything."

"You can never be too careful," Gerard replied, leading you up to the doorway. You knocked lightly until Antonella opened the door.

"(Y/N), you look great," she smiled, hugging you carefully.

"Thanks," you smiled, "How's everything here?"

"Oh crazy as usual," she chuckled. You and Gerard joined the party, greeting the Barcelona players and WAGs that had already arrived and were milling around. The WAGs complimented you and congratulated you and Gerard before Geri quickly helped you into a cushioned seat.

"Let me know if you need anything, I don't want you getting up so much," he stated before joining the rest of the guys in a game in the backyard. You chuckled at your husband's antics before joining the conversation with the other WAGs. Ever since that dinner reveal, you were thankful that your brother had accepted your relationship with Gerard and that he had even introduced the two of you in the first place, otherwise you wouldn't be as lucky as you were now.

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