Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Honeymoon

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Cristiano Ronaldo

For romanxzyera121:

Opening your eyes, you blinked a few times before a yawn forced its way out of your mouth. Turning to the side, you smiled at the sight of a still sleeping Cristiano. It was summer, and you had finally snatched your husband away from everyone else long enough for the two of you to get married and to go on a week-long honeymoon. You had rented out a house with a private beach for the occasion and you were enjoying every second of your honeymoon. Your wedding had been two days ago and you had arrived the day previous to the house.

Snuggling closer to your now husband, you smiled as his arm wrapped around your waist. You felt his lips on your head, causing you to smile. "I hope I didn't wake you, sleepy head," you smiled, looking up at your husband through your eyelashes.

"I was already up," he smiled, running a hand through your hair, getting out a few of the knots and such that came with bed hair. You pressed a kiss to his jaw before getting out of the bed.

"So what do you want to do today?" you asked, looking around for your clothes on the floor. Feeling a familiar hand on your wrist, you yelped in surprise as Cristiano pulled you back into bed, his arms wrapped tightly around you, making it impossible for you to escape.

"I want to just lay here with my beautiful bride," Cristiano stated, pulling you into a deep kiss. You smiled into the kiss, kissing back quickly before pulling away.

"While that is sweet, let's do something today, please." Seeing Cristiano's reluctance, you leaned up towards his ear. "It's just for the day. I'm all yours tonight and tomorrow. We can lay in bed all day tomorrow and tonight," you stated, seeing Cristiano's expression change.

"Alright, but tomorrow, you're not leaving this bed," Cristiano stated, releasing you. Placing a kiss on his lips once more, you headed towards the kitchen to grab breakfast. The two of you ate and got dressed in bathing suits before heading out to the beach right outside of your house. Grabbing some things from the shed, you and Cristiano headed towards the water. Pulling on a pair of goggles and a snorkel, the two of you swam around the outer edges of a coral reef not far from your beach for a while. Then the two of you just swam and hung out for the rest of the day, which was filled with surfing and other fun.

Giggling as Cristiano wiped out during his attempt to surf, your stomach grumbled. There was food in the house but after spending hours on the beach, neither of you felt like cooking. Walking into town with your hands held tightly together, the two of you made your way into a small restaurant. The hostess led you to a table before leaving you with two menus.

"It smells really good in here," you smiled, looking hungrily at the food of the customers around you two. A waitress approached the two of you and took your orders. Clinking your glasses together, you and Cristiano toasted to your marriage and honeymoon.

"It's exactly one hour and forty two minutes until sunset," Cristiano stated randomly, causing you to raise an eyebrow at the statement.

"Ok, and why are you so exact on when the sunset is happening?"

"Because you said starting tonight, we wouldn't leave the bed," Cristiano winked, causing you to blush a deep red.

"Cristiano, not in public," you hissed, causing your husband to laugh deeply at your embarrassment. He always loved to get you embarrassed because your cheeks were already naturally red but your ability to blush easily was not a favorite trait of yours. Cristiano, however, loved it and wasn't afraid to cause your cheeks to flame red.

The waitress returned with your food and the two of you immediately dug in, starving from today's long excursion at the beach. "One hour, mi esposa," Cristiano winked as you paid for your food. Elbowing him in the side playfully, the two of you exited the restaurant and started to walk towards your house. Your hands connected, your husband smiled down at you as your house came into view. Pressing a kiss to your head, he started to pull you towards your house when you dug your heels in.

"Let's watch the sunset first. After all, you were the one so adamant about when sundown was occurring," you winked, causing your husband to groan in annoyance. Pulling him back to the beach, you took out your phone as the sun started to set, causing the sky to look orange. You smiled and snapped a few pictures before just standing and waiting for the sunset. "It's beautiful," you smiled.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Cristiano replied, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.

"You're so cheesy," you rolled your eyes, kissing his cheek lightly. The sun was halfway hidden by the horizon when Cristiano let go of you. Turning around in confusion, you didn't have time to ask him what was wrong before he smashed his lips to your own. You gasped at his sudden action, allowing him to deepen the kiss. He pulled away to trail kisses down your neck, forcing you to contain a moan. "You know, the sun isn't fully set yet," you coughed out, your cheeks a deep red.

Cristiano stopped kissing your neck, glanced at the sunset for a second, before lifting you up. You shouted in surprise as Cristiano threw you over his shoulder and started walking towards the house. "There, you can watch the sunset," Cristiano teased, continuing to walk towards the house.

"Cristiano, put me down!" you demanded, banging your fists on the hard planes of his back. Cristiano entered the house, kicking off his shoes and placing yours on the ground too before walking up to the bedroom. Placing you on the bed, you had barely a moment to collect your thoughts before Cristiano was on top of you, kissing you hungrily.

"The sun has set, which means you're all mine," Cristiano growled in between sloppy kisses, attacking your lips with his own as he trapped you under his large frame. You smirked into the kiss.

"Someone's a little impatient."

"And don't you forget it," Cristiano replied. One thing was for sure, you were nearly one hundred percent positive you would never forget that night with Cristiano.

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