Mario Gotzë [~] Cheater

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You couldn't believe your eyes. You had come home from a long day at work expecting your long time boyfriend to be playing FIFA or cooking dinner. Instead, you come home an hour early to find your boyfriend no where to be found. However, a shirt that was obviously made for a woman, but not yours, was in plain view. Picking it up, you heard distinct moans and groans coming from upstairs. Confused and curious, you slowly climbed the stairs in your shared home and followed the noises down the hallway, towards your and Mario's bedroom. The door to your shared bedroom was ajar but the moans and groans were emanating from it, getting louder as you neared the door. You walked over cautiously, opening the door further. The sight that was revealed to you broke your heart. Your boyfriend, Mario, laid under the sheet with some blond bimbo that you didn't recognize. Their clothes were scattered on the floor, around the bed they were currently occupying.

"What the hell is going on?!" You shouted. Mario turned around, his face shocked and pale. The blond bimbo covered her chest and looked over at you with a scared expression. "Why are you still here, Blondie?!" you screeched at the girl.

She hopped out of the bed and gathered her clothes, running past you. You turned to look at your boyfriend after her footsteps could be heard descending the staircase, now ex boyfriend. He opened his mouth but you cut him off. "You, asshole, I come home from a long day of work only to find out my boyfriend of three years has been cheating on me! How long had it been going on, huh, our whole relationship?!"

"(Y/N)—" Mario started. 

"I don't want to hear about it, Mario! I trusted you! I chose to ignore everyone's warnings and I took a chance with you! Have a nice life, Mario. Without me!" You stormed out of the house and hopped into your car. Mario ran out of the house and over to your car, running over to your open driver's window. 

"(Y/N), please don't go! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry—" you didn't hear anything else except the burning rubber from your tires as you sped out onto the road and away from Mario, not bothering to give him a last look of disgust. You drove to the only place that you could think of, your brother's house. After you parked the car, the tears started to flow. You hopped out of your car and knocked on the front door. Marco Reus, your older brother, opened the door and frowned at your tears. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, leading you into his house. 

"Mario c-c-cheated on m-m-me with some b-b-blond bimbo-bo," you sobbed as he sat you down on the couch. 

"He did what?" Marco growled. You repeated the phrase and with every word, Marco looked angrier. "I'll kill him."

"He's not worth it, Marco," you replied. Marco comforted you and insisted that you stay in the guest bedroom until you found your own place. You fell asleep for most of the day. While you were asleep, Marco left for practice where he and Mario would both be. Marco walked out onto the field, talking quietly with Mesut Özil, until he noticed Mario. Ignoring Mesut's warnings, he stormed straight over to him, pushing him roughly to the ground. 

"What the hell?!" Mario shouted, turning around to see a very angry Marco. 

"Yeah, what the hell, Mario?!" Marco growled, yanking Mario to his feet by the front of his shirt. Then, while everyone was watching, Marco punched Mario straight in the face. Mario crumpled while Andre and Sami subdued Marco. Joachim Löw walked over amid the commotion. 

"What the hell is going on here?"

"He f-ing slept with some blond bimbo while he was dating my sister!" Marco shouted, still angry. It had taken a grand total of four guys to hold Marco back while Philip Lahm checked on Mario, whose nose was gushing blood. Joachim had suspended the both of them for the friendly match tomorrow but was highly sympathetic with Marco. 

Days had passed and Mario couldn't live with himself anymore. While he had been at practice, you had come into the house and taken all your stuff. The only thing to remind Mario of you was his black eye that was forming. He cried, he actually cried for hours, and was angry with himself. So he turned to alcohol. 

You had gone out with your girlfriends and saw Mario, piss ass drunk, at the bar. He was talking to the plant that was sitting on the bar and you were worried. Your girlfriends had been dancing with a bunch of guys and you made your way over to Mario. He turned to look at you, his eyes blood shot. "(Y/N) . . ." he sighed. You gave him a small smile. It had been three weeks since you two broke up and he didn't look too good, well, neither did you. One of his eyes was swollen. 

"What happened to your eye?" You asked. 

"Marco punched me." You gasped and apologized for your brother's behavior. You were angry and upset over the break up but that didn't mean you wanted Marco to beat up Mario. "Don't worry about it, I deserved it. I'm so sorry (Y/N), I messed up so badly. I don't deserve to talk to you, let alone be your boyfriend."

"Mario, let me take you home, you're drunk and in no condition to drive." Mario didn't protest and gave you his keys. You drove to your old home, yanking Mario into the house. You dragged him upstairs (he had fallen asleep long ago) and you sighed. It was the start of Mario's trials, trying to earn back your trust. You told him you would have to become friends for at least a year first before you got back into a relationship with him. He eventually won you back and always pampered you, never wanting to risk losing you again. 

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