Chapter 1

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"Hera Child wake up!" I lifted my head off of my desk and rubbed my eyes as I tried to fully wake up. I then saw the teacher looking angry at me as the whole class laughed. I then stood up from my seat and said, "Bye professor." he then yelled at me saying, "HERA! WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING? YOU HAVE NOT BEEN DISMISSED!" I yawned as I turned around to face my professor as I said, "I'm going home. I'm tired. Oh and by the way you got the story wrong. You said that there was a king when actually there wasn't and the devil raised the demon Astroz to supposedly tortue the humans and mortals. So in result stroz created Vampires, Witches, Werewolves and other demons to tourure us. Then one day Lucifer told Astroz to go and kill the Nex clan because they found a way to defeat the devil and his demons. Astroz agreed and set out to kill the Nex clan. But then when he was about to kill them his eyes landed on Adrea Nex. he fell in love with her as soon as his eyes met hers. In the end he didn't kill the Nex clan so when Lucifer faced him he got angry and cursed Astroz to never be able to love ever again. Not in any universe or dimension. And if he ever did love he would burn in the hottest fires in hell for all eternity that is if Lucifer found him.He remains with the devil and keeps doing his inhuman deeds. But Lucifer's biggest mistake is that he taught Astroz everything he ever knew and that he made Astroz to have the same power and strength as him. They are the same. They say that Astroz and his monsters still roam the earth and that every night at the witching hour you can hear his demon's screams. And he himself vowed to never love anyone again." My teacher looked at me with fear. The whole class was silent. I then smiled and said, "Imma go home now. I'm tired." no one said anything i just started to skip and went home. Since I lived alone I didn't have much to do. I went straight to bed and tried to sleep. I never really liked the day so most of the time i slept during the day and was up at night. Some people gave me the nickname vampire and to be honest i laugh i honestly don't care. I fell asleep and had another dream or nightmare. It was the same one as every other one. I was in the forest of death and I was alone. I looked around and the forest was filled with a heavy fog. I walked around and i don't know what i was looking for but i was looking for something. I then saw a tall figure in the distance which was the only thing I could see. I walked closer and he opened his arms and hugged me. I still couldn't see him because it was dark. But then with his deep calming voice he said, "I'm sorry my love." I pulled away and he was gone. I looked around and couldn't find him. Tears started to form in my eyes and stream down my face. Then someone killed me by impaling a sword through my chest. With my beating heart on the point of the sword. My eyes then opened and I was awakened from that dream or nightmare. I quickly got out of bed and grabbed my brown cloak. I put it on and threw on my hood. I was already wearing a white poet shirt under a black corset with leather pants and leather boots. Since I don't have that much money it's basically the only thing I wear. I wash it every night so it's always clean. I then walked out of my room and went down the stairs. I have a pet raven who I named midnight so when I walked downstairs she flew and sat on my head. I laughed a bit then said, "Midnight i'm going out ok. I'll see you later." he croaked and flew down from my head. I smiled as I opened the door and midnight flew into the night. I walked out of my house and closed the front door to my house. As I started to walk the streets I noticed that no one was there. All the lights were off, the only light that was there was the moonlight. I looked up at the beautiful moon and smiled as I said, "Hello old friend." I smiled as I continued to look at the moon. I then started to walk again and I put my hood down. I enjoyed feeling the cold wing going through my curly raven hair. I smiled as I began to run and spin in the streets. I laughed and jumped over big rocks on the streets. I then felt drops of something fall on my skin. I looked up and It was raining. I smiled and then heard someone's voice say, "you love the rain don't you? why?" I continued to look up but then I looked down and turned around. "I love walking in the rain because no one can see me crying." I tried to see who it was but it was so dark I couldn't. They reminded me of the guy in my nightmares. They walked closer to me and said, "Get back to your house you're going to get sick." I laughed and said, "I think I'm good mysterious looking person." I then turned back around and started to walk again. Their voice sounded like the person in my nightmares. But I just ignored it and continued to walk under the rain. I smiled as I spun under the rain and let the raindrops fall on my skin. But then everything went black. When my eyes opened and I could see I was in a room and tied to a chair. I tried getting up but I couldn't. I looked around and saw just one door behind me. There were no windows, no sign of any light, only 4 torches in each corner of the room. I then heard the door open and the next thing I knew something was covering my eyes. I tried to free my hands but I couldn't because they were tied tightly. I then heard the same voice I have been hearing. "So you are Hera right? 5'4,Long curly raven black hair,right eye is half blue half brown, left eye is fully brown, caramel skin tone, beauty mark on your right cheek, scars on your hands and wrists, hourglass body shape? Is that you?" I was confused about how this guy knew so much about me. I didn't say anything, I just stayed silent. I heard him laugh as he said, "you don't want to say much do you?" I clenched my fist and said, "Why don't you untie me and take this blindfold off of me and we can have a regular ass conversation." he chuckled and then I suddenly felt his warm breath hit my lips he then said, "You're a feisty one aren't you." I couldn't move, I just stayed there. "Did I make you blush?" I shook my head and said, "N-No just shut up already!" He then removed my blindfold and I looked around to see him sitting on a chair in front of me. I had no words, I just stayed silent and looked at him. He then stood up and he was really tall. "What?" he said as he laughed. He had straight long raven black hair, red eyes, pale skin, he was muscular and had a scar that went around his neck. He is so attractive and stunning. It's like he's a fallen angel. "Awww you're blushing again." my eyes widened and i just put my head down so he couldn't see my face. I hate this so much. I then saw him go past me. I felt the ropes on my wrists loosen and fall off. Then the ropes on my feet and the ropes tied around my chest. He untied all the ropes that he tied me with and I was confused. Why did he untie the ropes? He then sat back down in the seat in front of me and said, "I want to have a regular ass conversation now." he smiled at me but I didn't say anything. "Oh where are my manners? I'm Astroz." my eyes widened and I started to fill with tears. "A-Astroz?" he smiled and nodded. "Yes I am. I'm so happy that I am so well known. And I know everything about you." as tears streamed down my face I smiled and said, "I know everything about you too. You son of a bitch." my smile disappeared and his smile also did. "Oh really what do you know?" I laughed like a maniac and then said, "I'm going to tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a fallen angel Lucifer raised the fallen angel and he made him his demon, a demon who was sent out by Lucifer himself to kill the Nex Clan. one day when he was walking through their village his eyes met with Adrea Nex. they fell in love and the little old lucifer was not happy. So he cursed the demon to never be able to love or be loved. Not in any universe or dimension. And if he ever did love he would burn in the hottest fires in hell for all eternity that is if Lucifer found him. But little old lucifer decided to carry out the plan to destroy the Nex clan and he set the whole village on fire, killing everyone, even the little demon's girlfriend. Then the demon vowed to never love. And now he and the devil are besties again and he roams the earth with his monsters and they say that at the witching hour you can hear their screams of help in the forest of death. But what the devil and demon don't know is that there was a survivor of the fire." I continued to laugh like a maniac as Astroz just stared at me. He clenched his fist then came closer to me as he put his hand around my neck and lifted me up as he choked me. He clenched my throat harder and I couldn't breathe. He then let go of me and said, "You think you know everything huh?" I took deep breaths as I laughed a little bit. He then sat on the ground and grabbed his head. I stopped laughing and just watched him. I then crawled over to the corner where he was and took his hands away from his head and pulled him closer to me. "Y-You know i've never been this close to someone. The closest I have ever been to someone is like 2 feet away from them. So if this feels weird to you it also feels weird to me. Since I am the only one left in my clan, I have no one. I'm all alone. You know I'm still in school and when we have a lesson about you and the devil I am always defending your ass and or saying what really happened. Everyone thinks you're evil but I just think that you are misunderstood because you fell in love and you chose love over power. That is something that not everyone has the strength to do." I then realised what I was doing and I quickly pulled away from the hug and stood up. "I-Im sorry. I didn't notice what I was doing." I then sat on the other corner across from him then he said, "So you're the last Nex. Hera Nex. It's a beautiful name. How did you survive?" I smiled and said, "My parents were best friends when they were younger and they loved each other. My mom was from another clan but she took his name and she became a Nex. but before she did their parents didn't approve of their love. So the day that the village was set on fire they ran away together and they weren't there when the fire started. They moved to where you kidnapped me from but then people said that my mother was a witch so they killed her. My father was left with me alone. And he was in so much pain that he killed himself. When he killed himself I was 9 they killed my mother when I was 7. When I lost them both I learned how to take care of myself and now I live alone with a raven. I have no one left. I've thought about killing myself many times and I've tried but failed every time. But I wanna show my mother that I am stronger than my dad." he smiled and stayed silent. I then saw a mouse on the floor. I smiled as I picked it up in my hands and smiled as it squeaked. I smiled at the mouse and scratched the top of its head. I then put it down and it went into a hole in the wall that I was laying against. I then stood up and said, "well do you mind walking me back to where i live?" He looked at me coldly and said, "Alright I'll walk you back to your house and we'll go our separate ways." I nodded, then he grabbed my hand and we both walked to the door. He opened it and when we were outside it was night and when I turned around I saw that Astroz was keeping me in a little small shack. I turned back around and he was still holding onto my hand. We walked through the forest until I noticed that it was the forest of death. It was like in my nightmare. I then heard something and I got scared so I jumped and clung onto Astroz's arm. I closed my eyes and held onto him. I then quickly let go and continued to walk. "Why did you kidnap me?" I asked as we both continued to walk side by side. In response he said, "I honestly don't know Lucifer told me too and said not to question him. But then I couldn't do it. Something was stopping me." I stayed silent for a bit then smiled at him and we were already at my house. We stopped in front of my house and then I turned around and said, "Thank you Astroz." he didn't smile at me or anything. I then kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Bye Dumbass." he just stared at me in shock and said nothing. I then entered my house and closed the door. I was smiling but felt tears rolling down my cheek. I went to my room as I continued to smile and tears continued to slide down my cheek. When I got to my room I slid down my room door and cried. I just grabbed my head and cried. Why was I feeling like this? What is this feeling? Why me? "God, why me?" As I continued to cry I eventually fell asleep on the ground. And I had the same nightmare as every other night.I was in the forest of death and I was alone. I looked around and the forest was filled with a heavy fog. I walked around and i don't know what i was looking for but i was looking for something. I then saw a tall figure in the distance which was the only thing I could see. I walked closer and he opened his arms and hugged me. I still couldn't see him because it was dark. But then with his deep calming voice he said, "I'm sorry my love." I pulled away and he was gone. I looked around and couldn't find him. Tears started to form in my eyes and stream down my face. But this time I didn't die. But I was left alone. I fell to my knees and screamed as I cried. When I woke up I was in my bed. And the words just kept repeating in my head.

I'm sorry my love
I'm sorry my love
I'm sorry my love

When I got out of bed I looked around and my clothes were nicely folded on the edge of my bed. I smelled them and they were clean. I changed into my everyday clothes and started to head to school. When I got to school everyone looked at me weird. I ignored it and walked into class. When I entered I sat in my seat and put my head down because those words were still repeating in my head. I then felt someone looking at me so I looked up and looked around. I saw no one looking at me so I just put my head back down and waited for the teacher to start the lesson. Eventually he did and said, "Today we will be learning about the monsters and how to defend ourselves from them. Ms.Hera are you too busy to be paying attention to my lesson?" I kept my head down as I said, "Just leave me alone you hairy old man. I already know about all the monsters Astroz created and I know everything about them. You haven't taught me anything the whole time I've been here. So worry about the rest of the class and stop pretending like you care about me." I then heard him say, "You are so weak. Just like your father." As soon as he finished I stood up from my seat and kicked him in the stomach and punched his throat. "You don't know anything about me or my father. I swear to god if no one was in this room I would kill you right here right now. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT ME OR MY FAMILY! FUCK YOU!" I then walked out of the class and went straight home. When I got there I slammed by the door and grabbed my mothers old dagger and as I stormed out of my house and walked into the forest.

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