chapter 12

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I then felt a burning pain in my chest and I could feel something heavy on my back. I got up and went to our room and locked the door so Astroz couldn't get inside. I groaned in pain and fell to my knees. I then felt pain in my stomach and I put my hand on my stomach as I cried. I could hear astroz screaming and yelling for me to open the door but i wouldn't. I then had the strength to get up and open the door but I ran. I left astroz there and i went outside onto the road. I could feel my body getting heavier and the pain in my stomach increasing. I ran into the forest which is the only place I ever felt at peace. I stumbled through the woods as tears clouded my vision and I could see anything. I could feel my eyes glowing and it scared me. I looked down at the ground and saw feathers. White feathers and the edges of the feathers were golden. I continued to run and then I fell in a meadow of flowers. I collapsed to the ground and I was knocked out. I then woke up to a voice saying that I'm pregnant. But when I opened my eyes I was still in the meadow alone and no one was there. I then placed my hand on my stomach and memories started to flash through my mind. I remember everything. I'm an angel, I'm a warrior angel. I was the leader I fought alongside michael. "So you remember now." I quickly got up and I saw Lucifer standing behind me with an evil grin on his face. I looked around and grabbed the sharpest stick and made it into a sword and held it up. "What do you want?" Lucifer took the sword from my hand and said, "I wouldn't recommend you to fight while you carry a child." I looked at him with pure rage in my eyes. "Where's Astroz?" Lucifer laughed as if I told a hilarious joke then said, "Funny that you mention him. He's actually the reason I came to see you darling. I want to make a deal with you." I stay still as he circles around me like a hungry shark. I stayed silent and then he continued to say, "so my proposal is that if you leave Astroz I won't kill him and your child. Oh And you may return to heaven because after all that is where you belong not down here with all these pathetic humans and demons. All you need to do love is sign on the dotted line. Oh and also another thing you need to give up dancing and singing because those are the two things that give you strength." I looked up at him and said, "And if I disagree?" he chuckled and said, "Well then I'm gonna have to make you kill Astroz and let you live. And your unborn child will belong to me." I placed my hand on my stomach and stayed silent. "So what will it be darling?" I thought about it then said, "So all I have to do is leave Astroz and he'll live and I'll keep my baby?" he twirled my hair with his finger and whispered, "It's that simple. Just sign." he then gave me a contract stating everything he just said and gave me a quill. "I'm not going to sign but I will do it." he smirked and then said, "Fine by me. You'll leave him tomorrow night by the old willow tree by the lake of tears. I'll send him a letter pretending it was you who sent it and it'll say to meet you there. Have a wonderful life, Hera Scaldor." I nodded and then he left. I then looked behind me and saw I had my wings. I started to walk back to the city and I hid my wings as I walked. I then looked down and started to cry. I couldn't believe I actually made a deal with the devil just to let the person I love live. I promised myself that I would never make a deal with the devil but love made me realise that I would be willing to do anything for the person i love. I can't tell Astroz I'm pregnant with his child. I'm actually going to leave him. But either way it was never gonna work out. I'm an angel and he's a demon. It's forbidden but now I'm pregnant with a demon's child. "My thoughts were then interrupted when I bumped into a random girl. I continued to walk and didn't care that the girl was yelling at me. I then went into a store and grabbed some clothes. I went into the changing room and put on some black lace tights then ripped jean shorts on top and a white crop top with a green plaid long sleeve button up shirt. I didn't button it up and I rolled up the sleeve. I left my hair down and put on some black leather boots. I then left the room and ran out of the store while I whispered, "God forgive me please." I ran until I saw an alleyway I could hide in. I went into the alleyway and waited there for an hour then left. I then grabbed a black cloak from a hanger outside an outdoor restaurant and I put it on. I put on the hood and walked through the streets. I then saw Astroz and I put my head down so he wouldn't recognize me but then I decided to look at him and I saw him and a woman kissing. My eyes widened and I just stood there and stared. When they pulled away Astroz caressed the woman's cheek and smiled. I left with tears in my eyes as I walked past him. I then went back home knowing he's going to be out the whole day and night looking for me. I went home and left him a letter then left my necklace on top of the piece of paper. I then left our home and closed the door. I went to the old willow tree near the lake of tears. I climbed up the tree and sat on a branch as I waited for Astroz. I cried. As I cried I then heard footsteps coming closer. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up on the branch. I looked and astroz was coming. I got down and looked at him as he came closer. He was about to kiss me but I stopped him. "We're done Astroz." he looked at me with a confused look and said, "W-What do you mean?" I stayed silent but then said, "I'm done with you, we're over. I'm leaving you." Astroz put his hand on my cheek but I pushed him away. "w-why? Did I do something?" I started to walk away but then I stopped and said, "Corinthians 1 to 13 says love never fails. I then heard someone say that if it fails it was never love. We were never in love, Astroz. It was just a beautiful fantasy that we both wanted to live." I began to walk away leaving Astroz and as I did I said, "I don't recognize you anymore Astroz. But your kisses are burned into my skin forever. Only love could ever hurt like this." I cried as I walked into the woods and didn't turn around to see him one last time. As I walked away from him and deeper into the woods I realised that Ace the boy in my dreams is Astroz. He's the one that's been in my dreams. I left the person I've seen in my dreams since I was a child. Truly, love could hurt like this.

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