Chapter 3

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I heard him chuckle and then I felt him lay down on top of me. I uncovered my head and saw that he had his head resting on my stomach. I smiled and played with his hair. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his long hair. I looked at him for a second and he was falling asleep. I smiled and just thought about what we're going to do next. My parents before they died we didn't live in this house that me and Astro are in now. We lived on a farm really far away. I lived there until I was 5 but then we moved here. The farm was really quiet. We didn't sell it, we just locked it up and covered everything in case we ever needed to go back. It was like an emergency home. Eventually Astroz woke up and the first thing he did was sit up and kiss my lips gently. When we both pulled away he said, "I'll check if your clothes are dry. And if not I'll look for something for you to change into." I nodded and when he left I stood up and grabbed my towel that I handed on a hanger. I wrapped it around my body and went into my closet. I grabbed a box I hid under my boots and placed it on my bed. I opened the box to see my mom's flowy light blue dress. I smiled as I looked at her dress. My mother used to wear this so much. It was her favourite dress. I then grabbed my other corset, bra, and underwear and put them all on. I then put the dress on and when I looked in the mirror I looked so much like my mother. I spun in front of the mirror as I smiled. I then stopped and saw that Astroz was behind me. I smiled as I said, "How do I look? It was my mothers." He stayed silent for a bit but then smiled and came to me. He hugged me and kissed my lips as he picked me up and spun me around. When he pulled away I rested my forehead on his forehead and he whispered to me saying, "You look beautiful Angel. Everytime i see you it's like I'm falling in love with you all over again." I smiled and kissed his lips again. He then hugged me and held me close to his chest. I smiled and laughed as he hugged me tightly. He then put me down and said, "Well Angel what should we do now? I did have some ideas but I don't really think you'd like them." I chuckled as I said, "I do have something we can do just for now. But it is a long way on foot. It's 5 days' time to get there on foot but if we somehow get a horse or a carriage then it would probably only be 2 days' time." he smiled and said, "I'll get us a horse. Don't worry about it, ok Angel." I smiled and nodded as I kissed his cheek and said, "Alright well I need to go to school for a bit. I'll be right back ok. Meet me at the front of the house. In 3 hours. I love you Dumbass." I then ran out of the room and put on my boots that were on the floor. I then continued to run to school. When I got there I took deep breaths and calmly went to my seat. When i sat in my seat the professor started the lesson and it all went well until someone sitting behind me leaned closer to my ear and whispered saying, "you know Hera you would be prettier if you smiled more. And maybe just maybe I would consider taking you out." I got annoyed so I stood up and punched his face. He then stood up and I kicked him in the balls. I then went to the front of the class and said, "FUCK ALL YOU BITCHS! MEET YOU ALL IN HELL!" I then walked out with my middle fingers in the air. I then ran back to my house and surprisingly Astroz was already there. "I knew some shit was going to happen and you would come home earlier." he said as he smiled. I laughed and said, "You know me so well, dumbass. And we've only been together for a couple of days. Unless you have been watching me before." he laughed and said, "You know me so well Angel." We both laughed and I kissed his cheek gently. "Alright well I do have a horse but I could only get one." I nodded and then he pointed to the side of the house and I saw the horse. Astroz then walked in front of me and climbed on to the horse. I smiled and then he put his hand out to pull me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on to him tightly. He chuckled and said, "Yea just hold on tight to me ok Angel. We'll be there soon." I smiled and said, "Ok, just hurry up already." he laughed and said, "Say the magic word." I rolled my eyes and said in response, "Please hurry up." He didn't say anything. I just felt the horse starting to move. I held on tighter and also shut my eyes tighter. I wouldn't let go of him. I kept holding on but then the horse jumped. I got scared so I let out a scream. I opened my eyes and covered my mouth with my right hand with my left still holding onto Astroz. I looked at him and he was already looking at me. "What,did you get scared Angel?" I closed my eyes and hit his back as I said, "Shut up dumbass." he laughed as I held onto him tightly. Soon I fell asleep. When I woke up we were laying on the ground and there was a small fire lit and it was keeping us warm. He had his arm around me and held me close to him. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him and tried to sleep again. But then when I fell asleep I had the nightmare again. I was in the forest of death and I was alone. I looked around and the forest was filled with a heavy fog. I walked around and i don't know what i was looking for but i was looking for something. I then saw a tall figure in the distance which was the only thing I could see. I walked closer and he opened his arms and hugged me. I still couldn't see him because it was dark. But then with his deep calming voice he said something but it wasn't what he would always say. This time he said, "I'll see you in another life my love." Then I woke up. I looked around and was a bit scared. Then Astroz pulled me back down and kissed my head as he said, "What's wrong Angel?" I stayed silent for a bit then said, "I-It was just another n-nightmare." he hugged me tightly and said, "Well there's nothing to be scared of Angel. I'm here and I'll protect you with my life." I smiled and kissed his nose. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked into the fire. It was still night but we were both awake. "Astroz, what would you do if I were gone? Like forever. In hell." he made me face him by lifting up my chin and he then planted a gentle kiss on my forehead as he said, "I would take your spot in hell and beg for you to go to Heaven. I love you Angel. I love you so much I would burn in hell for you." I put my head down and rested my head on his chest as I said, "Would you actually or are you just saying that to make me feel better about my nightmare?" he chuckled and said, "Yes I would. We'll make our happy ending come true." I smiled as I closed my eyes and said, "What's your dream Astroz?" He stayed silent for a bit and finally said, "My dream is that we live on a beautiful piece of land. We'll  have horses, sheep, cows, pigs, chickens and so much more. I'll be inside cooking or cleaning and you will be outside running through the fields with our children. One day I'll come home from work to find you showing one of them how to read and you both will be sitting on the bright green plain of grass and I'll come and bother you both. You will yell at me and say to go inside you already cooked dinner and that you were busy. But I won't stop bothering you two. Our little girl then pushed me and I fell. We all laughed, then when I got up I started to chase both of you. In other words my dream is to live the rest of my life with you and our children that maybe one day we'll have." I smiled as I slowly  but quickly fell asleep again but before I did I quietly said, "Maybe we will Dumbass, Maybe we will." Those were the last words I said before I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in Astroz arms. We were on the horse but Astroz was holding me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his neck. I could feel him smiling so I smiled too. You really do love him Don't you Hera. "Angel, we're here." I then lifted my head and turned around to see and we were at my parents' emergency home. I smiled as I kissed Astroz's cheek and hopped off the horse and ran to the house. When I opened the door I smiled and laughed as I walked through the house remembering all the memories I made here with my parents until we moved. When I got to my room I took off the white sheet covering my bed and saw my first teddy bear still on my bed. I smiled as I grabbed it and held it. It was very small and I remember when my dad brought it home for me. I felt a tear slide down my cheek but then I put it back and uncovered everything else. My room had a window and it had a beautiful blossom tree outside of it. I smiled as I opened the window as I touched one of the branches with a blossom flower on it. "Hello again. It's been years since I've seen you." I said as I caressed the flower. I smiled and then felt someone's arms wrap around me. I looked and saw that it was Astroz. I smiled as I let go of the flower and turned around to hug him. He kissed my head and held me tightly. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.  I let out a loud exhale and rested my head on his shoulder. "Was this your room Angel?" I smiled as I said, "Yes it was. If you put me down I'll show you my parents room. Then the downstairs part of the house. After that i'll show you my favourite spot in this whole entire place." he put me down and said, "Alright now i have seen the rest of the house but i want to go see your favourite spot in this place." I laughed a bit and nodded. I then grabbed his hand and ran out of the house. When we were outside I let go of his hand and went to my oak tree. I climbed up the tree and sat at the branch at the very top. I stood up and looked down. I smiled and laughed as I saw that Astroz was at the bottom smiling at me. I turned around so my back was facing Astroz's direction. I put my arms out and fell backwards. I closed my eyes as I fell. I smiled as I felt the wind hit my skin. I then felt Astroz's arms around me. "Why the hell did you do that!" he said angry at me. I laughed as I pulled his face down and kissed him. "I knew you would catch me Dumbass." he rolled his eyes and shook his head as he put both of his hands on the sides of my face and pulled me closer to him for a kiss. I smiled as I kissed him back. When we pulled away I looked around and it was getting dark. I smiled as I saw the sun setting and said, "See you tomorrow my dearest friend." I turned back around to look at Astroz and he was staring at the sun. his eyes glowed brightly as he continued to look at the sun. I loved his red eyes. It always fascinated me the most. I love him. He then looked at me and I immediately looked away and looked down at the ground. He chuckled a bit then picked me up. He had his left arm under my legs and his right under my neck. I smiled as he carried me back home and up to my parents' old room. Since I was an only child there were only 2 bedrooms. One for me, the other for my parents. My room wasn't that big but neither was it so small. My room had enough space for 2 while my parents had enough space for 5. My bed was a normal size. It had enough for 3 people and my parents' bed was the same size as mine. They made it all. Everything in the house they made. Well almost everything. When we got to my parents room he threw me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. I laughed and pushed him off as hard as I could but he was too heavy. He laughed as he lifted his body off of me and rolled over beside me. I smiled and laughed as I looked up at the ceiling. "You know if we ever do have kids what will we name them?" I could see him out of the corner of my eyes turning his head to look at me so I turned my head to look at him. "If we have a boy we'll name him kibou. In Japanese it means Hope." I smiled and said, "I like it. And if we have a daughter, can we name her Estrella? It means star in spanish." He kissed my nose and said, "I love that name. Alright if we ever have children if it's a girl we'll name her Esrtella and if it's a boy we'll name him Kibou." I smiled and nodded. "Yup. and we'll always be there for them. We'll never leave them. We'll see their first steps,first words,first day of school everything." he smiled and pulled me closer to him as he rested his head on top of mine and said, "That sounds perfect Angel. Just perfect. You know I love you right, my love." I just wrapped my arms around him and put my face in the crook of his neck. But then when i realised that he said my love my eyes widened. But i just ignored it because after all it was just a dream. Right? 5 minutes passed and I wanted to go to sleep so I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I lifted the blanket and got under it. I put the blanket over my whole body reaching up to my shoulders. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I then felt movement on the bed so I opened one of my eyes and saw Astroz taking off his shirt and getting into bed with only his pants on. I closed my eyes and he pulled me closer to him. I snuggled up to his chest and he kissed my head. He then rested his head on top of mine and went to sleep. I closed my eyes and did the same. When I woke up I was on top of Astroz's body and he was under me. My arms were wrapped around him and his arms were wrapped around me. I looked up at him to see that he was peacefully sleeping. I smiled and rested my head back on his chest. I kept my eyes open and I thought about everything. The fact that this could have happened to me. How and why did this happen to me. I don't know why but I'm happy it did. I don't care if the end result of this is me losing him or him losing me or both of us losing each other. I'm just happy we met and that we're together now. I harem him mumbling so I started to focus on what he was saying. "I'm not sorry for loving her Lucifer. I love her and there's nothing you can do about you." he said mumbling. I lifted my head slowly and sat on his chest. I shook his body a little bit but he wouldn't wake up. So I kissed his lips and he woke up quickly. "You're just like sleeping beauty baby." he smiled and said, "you just woke me up from a bad dream Angel." I smiled but it quickly faded. "It didn't sound like a dream. It sounded real. Are you talking to him?" he didn't say anything, he sat up and held me close. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my neck. "Yea he is Angel. He told me that I need to leave you or he'll kill you. I told him that I wasn't sorry for loving you and that I love you and there's nothing he can do about it." his voice started to break but then i lifted his head and kissed his cheek and lips. "I love you so much Astroz. It doesn't matter if I die, my love won't. It will live and keep on living. And let's just focus on today right now. We'll get through today and when it's tomorrow we'll get through tomorrow. Together. We'll do everything together. Cry together, laugh together, smile together, get angry together, and share everything together. We'll be together forever right?" He rested his forehead on mine. I started to cry but then I felt Astroz's hands go on both sides of my face. He lifted my head and kissed my lips softly. I opened my eyes and saw that he had a tear falling from his eye. "Angel, I love you so much and of course we'll be together forever and go through everything together. You are my everything. I'll teach you how to fight if you are ever in trouble. I don't want to lose you. I love you." He kissed me and when we pulled away tears fell from my eyes and he smiled as he wiped them away with his thumb. "I love you so much Astroz. I'll keep fighting until God says it's time for me to go." he chuckled and kissed me again. When he pulled away I smiled and laughed as I said, "Well I'm kind of hungry are you?" he laughed as more tears fell from his eyes. I got up and went to the closet. When I opened it I saw my mom and dad's old clothes. I smiled as I could immediately smell my mom's old perfume that she used to put on her clothes. I went through them and she mostly had dresses but I didn't really mind. I always loved her clothes. I grabbed a yellow dress with a flower pattern on it. She made all her dresses. She never bought one. She used to say it was a waste of money. And why buy something she can make. I laughed to myself as I looked at her dress and remembered all the things she would say. I grabbed the yellow dress and my leather boots. I took off my clothes and everything as I changed into my mom's clothes. When I finished changing I went back into the closet and looked for her corsets. The only things my mom bought. I found a beige floral corset. I put it on top of the dress and stood up as I dusted off my dress. I smiled as I spun looking at the dress that was now mine. I smiled and when I looked at Astroz he turned a light red. I smiled as I walked closer to him and kissed his cheek. "I will take that as a complement. I'll go to the market near the house and buy some stuff to make us breakfast. I'll let you change." I kissed his cheek again and left the room. I left the house and went to the stables. I found the horse that Astroz brought. I grabbed the saddle and put it on his back. I climbed on and started to head to the market.

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