Sunday Morning

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(I thought a little Professor Remus was overdue. Also, all of these songs can be found on my Spotify playlist "soho apartment in 1982" if you want to listen to them all. A lot of these one-shots exist within the same plotline I just get ideas for them in such a random order trying to make one long fic would be impossible and you would have a lot of gross, badly-written filler scenes of me not connecting ~shit~. So yeah. Hope you like this one, it's a blatant hurt/comfort for those of you who are also suckers for that.)

It was unusual for couples to live together at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Often married or committed teachers would live in the village or leave their significant others at home for the school year. But it seemed that for a lycanthropic professor and a Ministry official, exceptions could be made. The plan had initially been for Severus Snape to cover Remus' classes on top of brewing the Wolfsbane potion every few weeks, but y/n had managed to convince Dumbledore that this was asking too much of the poor man, that since animosity ran so strong between Snape and the "Marauders," prevailing upon his mastery of potions was more than enough. So y/n Lupin taught Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School for a few days each month while her husband recovered from his transformations.

It was late in March, and the highland weather was unrelenting and, in y/n's opinion, gorgeous. The fog over the frosty grasses was a sight she could never get tired of, and weekend walks with her equally gorgeous husband, wrapped up in woolen robes and soft scarves tight around their necks, was a highlight of their time at Hogwarts together. But it was also two days after the full moon, and though he was only thirty-three, the lingering pain of Remus' transformation was beginning to worsen. Y/n didn't mind covering the extra classes, but she hated that Remus was deprived of that time with his students, time she knew he cherished and planned for and looked forward to. Thankfully, the full moon had been on a Friday night, meaning he would only miss a day or two of teaching if he rested. The trick was convincing him of that. Sunday morning was beautiful, bright white sunlight filtered through the heavy clouds and mist and made the lake look as dark as its name, like a massive pool of ink. Y/n longed to throw on a cloak and fingerless gloves and go wandering through the ferns to the little cliff overlooking the island. Remus must have sensed this, because when she got out of the shower and returned for her clothes, he was seated on the edge of the bed, buttoning a plain white flannel shirt, the head of his cane resting beside him on the mattress. He had needed it just to get to the dresser.

"No," said y/n firmly.


"Absolutely not."

"Y/n!" he pleaded.

"It is two days after the full moon! I'm not even going to let you get your own tea this early in the cycle."

"It's just a walk around the grounds, I'll be fine."

"Prove it."

"Excuse me?"

"Prove it. Get dressed."


"You can even use your cane."

"Thank you. I will." He got up, gingerly putting pressure on his ankle, then his knee, hip, back, and situating his cane under the heel of his hand. Limping around the bedroom, he managed trousers, and a waistcoat before pulling on his jacket and turning to his wife proudly, indicating his state of dress with a wave of his hand. Y/n cocked an eyebrow at his ensemble and looked him up and down, she couldn't help but smile a little when her gaze reached his feet.

"Put your socks on," she challenged.

"What? Oh. ." he looked down at his bare feet and bit his lip nervously.

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