2 - The Day I Changed

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I woke abruptly to a set of blinding lights.

'He's up,' a voice said. A figure appeared in view, a young woman dressed in a nurses uniform, though it was oddly slutty in design. It looked like something you'd find in a costume shop. The skirt was very short and her cleavage was out for the world to see.

'Mr. Middleton,' another voice said, this one deep and thoughtful. With my vision adjusted, a doctor and nurse come into view. I misjudged the nurse a bit. She was much younger than I anticipated, maybe even my age. She had dark brown hair, shoulder length. She was wearing heavy amounts of gothic makeup, black lips seeping through her mask, stylish eyeliner, a lot of eyeshadow, and very, very pale skin.

Apart from her uniform, she didn't seem like a real nurse. Her expression was stoic, oddly militaristic. She looked at me and grabbed something from the table next to her.

'Open wide,' she said, her expression unchanged. She ripped a bandage off of my lips and stuck something down my throat without warning. This girl was cute, and the only defining characteristic she knew about me was that I had a horrible gag reflex. Thankfully, it was only a cotton swab. She stuck the bandage back on before I could even take a breath.

'DNA sample acquired,' she said before returning to the table. The doctor approached me, his face uncomfortably close to mine. He looked about early-forties. He gave me a big smile through his mask. A mop of light brown hair sat on his head, damp, like he had been sweating non-stop for the past twenty-four hours.

'You've had quite the night, Mr. Middleton,' he said cheerily in a British accent. 'You're lucky to be alive, to open your eyes at all!'

He sounded oddly like John Oliver if John Oliver was on crack all the time. The girl spoke with an accent as well, though hers was unmistakably Irish. I tried to say something in response, but my mouth was covered in bandages. 'Oh, yes,' the doctor said. 'Millie. A mirror, please.'

The Irish goth girl rolled her eyes and handed the doctor his mirror. He faced it my way and I see the mummified body it was reflecting. Every part of my body was covered in bandages, all but my eyes. He swiped the mirror away before I could get a really good look, but I swore my eyes had gone blood red.

'What happened to me?' I asked the doctor.

'Well it's 2.30 in the morning, but that's beside the point. How do you feel, Mr. Middleton? Any irregularities?'

'I don't know!' I muffled beneath the bandages.

'That's very good you've never done any blow, Mr. Middleton, but how do you currently feel?'

The goth nurse sighed. 'Shake your head once if you're feeling normal, twice if you're feeling bad.'

I looked directly at the girl and shook my head twice.

'How's his bone structure?' the doctor asked as the girl handed him an x-ray. 'Interesting indeed. Is the brain normal?'

'Barely,' she responded. 'His hormones are all over the place.'

'Don't tell me this is what I think it is?' the doctor said, a look of grim satisfaction etched all over his eyes.

'I think so. His body has already begun to morph. It's in the early stages now. We should see noticeable changes in a few days, not long for the body to change completely.'

The doctor gave a hearty, joyous laugh. 'Millie, prepare the sedative. I need to run some more tests.'

The girl injected something into my drip and I began to feel very drowsy. Before I fell completely under the door slammed open and another doctor and a nurse walked through.

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